Name/Gamertag: Jon / KSI FuRiAn 7
Rank/Division (If applicable): 4TH CPT / GZ
Time spend on the forums Daily: 4-10 hours.
Experience in KSI: I joined KSI in 2008 and achieved the rank of Co-Founder. I have been around for awhile, my biggest absence from KSI was 11-12 due to being deployed. I am very knowledgable on the workings of KSI.
Experience/Knowledge of the AAP: I was around when AAP was first created. I have read all the rules to posting for awards and check the section daily. If there is something I don't already know pertaining to AAP, I can dang sure look it up.
Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I am very active on the forums, checking it daily. I just recently joined KSI again, and have been showing what I am capable of in Clan Ops, but I would also like to show what I am capable of on the Web Ops side. I'm in KSI for the long run and would like to contribute however I can. I believe this would be the first step in helping out on the Web Ops side of KSI and contributing everything I can to this community.