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KSI Jupiter 7

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Everything posted by KSI Jupiter 7

  1. i konw in DM we have these and ive heard of other divisions doing them and having them but what about am award for being a member of Welcoming Committee and Training Committee welcoming committee = staff is to welcom all rcts and new members and leting others know about it , making new members feel welcome i would call it Welcome Wagon traing committee = staff is to keep track and train the new members in a timely manner, helps get recruits trained faster and put in the corect squads i would call it Training Committee ( cant think of something clever)
  2. with the new playlist maybe a ricochete team (or a griffbal /ricochette team hybrid) i know theres an award for attending workshops but what about one for hosting them ( like host 3-5 workshops ect)
  3. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI L10N 7 (founder DM) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6581-ksi-l10n-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - lion has always been a hard working member and now that hes founder hes helped with so much, hes created a training commettie in DM that is helping with the rcting and training process and oher divs are encorporatiing this into their divs as well. he drive everyone and though may come off as a hard a**, hes not hes not afriad the show some back bone and get peopl to do what they need to do and know where they need to be. lion is well the lion of DM, yes hes soft and furry with awesome hair but hes not afraid to show his teeth and make sure no one gets out of line and gets his pride(dm) to do whats supposed to be done, and correctly. hes next in line for co div leader and i counldnt be more pround to have him as my founder and in the future co div Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Havoc 7 (co founder DM) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8645-ksi-havoc-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - .... why doesnt havoc deserve this hes aweseome lol. but seriously ever since the start havoc has been a great help and he always goes above in beyond in everything he does wheither it be in DM or in T&E or wherever hes at. When things came up he went out of his comfort zone to help the cod squads and become thier co fo and now they are way on their way to be strong and set like out halo squads. he works himself soo much and even is available when he came back from the hospital after HITTING HIS HEAD!!!! he is always encouraging and motivating and helps so much with so many things i cant even list them... (not enough paper in the world) if he can do this much with just 3 -4 squads.. jsut think of what hed do as a founder with all the squads at his reach !! :D Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Huragok ( 2CPT Lethal DM ) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14635-ksi-hurag0k/ Reasoning why they deserve this - huragok has always been a good hardworking member and with his squad , lethal, about to split hes definatly stepping up his game and making sure everything is set for the new squad and the members going with him. he is ready to be gen and i know hes going to be a great gen. he is patient and helpful adn kind twords everyone but he also has the athority to do what needs to be done LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sweetpea (2LT Venom WI) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15634-ninetales/ Reasoning why they deserve this - ive only met her maybe mid sept and im already impressed by her , she plays with her members is very active and always keeps everybody up to date and informed on whats going on within her swaud, div, and in all of ksi. she does and awesome job and jusst recently got promoted to 2 lt and she definatly deservs it Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nikki Pepsi (3 CPT Menace DM) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14082-nikki-cola/ Reasoning why they deserve this - nikki has been rocking it this month i feel. shes hosted many kareoke nights and has even not done a tourneyment because she puts squad events and her members first. Eventhough she may face hard times in her squad, she never gives up on recruiting and helping out any way she can with menace and shes a big inspiration to not only her squad but other members in DM as well. shes working hard to keep her squad strong and shes doing a great job
  4. I've been in ksi almost 3 years and ever since I've been in ksi I've know of lion aka lionheart so he's been here for a year + And as said before yes to horder
  5. Name: KSI Havoc 7 / DM Co fo Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8645-ksi-havoc-7/ Award-/-Achievement: 7s Head Hunter Team Award Reason-/-Evidence: on the Halo 7s Head Hunter Team ( i am team cpt and preadator 7 knows the team aswell ) Name: KSI L10N 7 / DM Founder Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6581-ksi-l10n-7/ Award-/-Achievement: 7s Head Hunter Team Award Reason-/-Evidence: on the Halo 7s Head Hunter Team ( i am team cpt and preadator 7 knows the team aswell ) Name: KSI Oni 7 / GZ Founder Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8965-oni%E2%98%86poni/ Award-/-Achievement: 7s Head Hunter Team Award Reason-/-Evidence: on the Halo 7s Head Hunter Team ( i am team cpt and preadator 7 knows the team aswell ) Name: KSI Fadez 7/ DR Cofo Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8545-ksi-fadez-7/ Award-/-Achievement: 7s Head Hunter Team Award Reason-/-Evidence: on the Halo 7s Head Hunter Team ( i am team cpt and preadator 7 knows the team aswell ) Name: KSI Payton 7 / TW Cofo Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3148-ksi-payton-7/ Award-/-Achievement: 7s Head Hunter Team Award Reason-/-Evidence: on the Halo 7s Head Hunter Team ( i am team cpt and preadator 7 knows the team aswell ) Name: KSI Pinto 7 / GZ Cofo Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10511-ksi-red-eyess/ Award-/-Achievement: 7s Head Hunter Team Award Reason-/-Evidence: on the Halo 7s Head Hunter Team ( i am team cpt and preadator 7 knows the team aswell ) Name: KSI Jupiter 7 Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/72-ksi-jupiter-7/ Award-/-Achievement: 7s Head Hunter Team Award Reason-/-Evidence: on the Halo 7s Head Hunter Team ( i am team cpt and preadator 7 knows the team aswell ) will probably need predator or greg to post as witnesses
  6. I have been in KSI for almost 3 years s ive known shadow since i was gen of menace and thats been at least 1 year probly about a year and a half
  7. Do i need to make another topic for the team Halo 4 7s HH Team CPT : KSI Jupiter 7 Co-CPT : KSI ONI 7 Team: KSI Jupiter 7 KSI ONI 7 KSI Havoc 7 KSI LI0N 7 KSI Pinto 7 KSI Payton 7 KSI FadeZ 7
  8. Awesome atm we have 8 ppl try and make it to fridays tryouts so we can get this team going
  9. ill get greg to post the current 7s HH team roster, then any more additional ppl can possibly join us for the seat/position tryouts
  10. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI QueenJess 7 (Senior Director) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...er/39-khaleesi/ Reasoning why the deserve this - ever since i joined ive heard great things about the infamous QueenJess, once i got up in the rank i met her and shes a great person and i can definantly tell why shes so infamous. She is an outstanding long time member who has greatly contributed to the overall bettering KSI with various ideas, divs, and more. Spirit Week being one of the more recent and best known of those contributions. A lot of work goes into spirit week and it wouldnt have happened without her. she deserves this award among many others. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Greg 7 (Director) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...109-ksi-greg-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - why? because Greg is Greg. I remember when greg was a founder and even a co div. even then he has helped many members including myself with basic KSI knowledge as well as other problems. i know he is a great influance to all that meet him and an insparation to many more. he even takes the time to meet some of the lower ranking members like sgts so he stays close with his divisons. He is doig a great job as director and definantly deserves this award. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Havoc 7 (Co-Founder - DM) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8645-ksi-havoc-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - ever since his promotion he has been non stop, he has even put his heath before KSI ( getting sick due to too many long nights ) and even when sick he still was there for the members and to do what is needed to be done. Never in my KSI carrer ( of 2 years and 2 months as of yesterday ) have i seen anyone do what hes done and be as dedicated as he is. He goes beyond his rank description and is the most polite person i have ever met. He also is great with words and helps many members dealing with ksi issues as well as personal problems. As a general he was great as a co fo he is a Greater and i know as he goes on within KSI he will only get better and shine brighter. if anyone in our 5600+ members deserves co fo of the month , hands down, its Havoc. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shadowst3p (1CPT - HELLFIRE DM) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...comrade-shad0w/ Reasoning why the deserve this - even as a cpt in menace he did an amazing job. when i asked him to go over hellfire he happilier agreed and now he just got promoted to gen i think yesterday. He has been a massive help with the bringing back of hellfire and now hellfire is growing ans gettting stronger by the day, we no longer have to worry abou that squad failing since hes been brought over. he doesan outstanding job and i know will continue to do so, so lets reward his efforts by giving him this awrad, which is deserved. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nikki Pepsi (3LT - LETHAL DM) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14082-nikki-cola/ Reasoning why the deserve this - nikki has been an impresive member ever since shes joined. as a cpl in menace she was by far the most active member in the squad, now a 3lt in lethal, and soon to reach cpt im sure, shes doing stellar. she was also the main backup and willing to do whatever whenewver when it came to spirit week, thoguh being in a halo squad she happpilier volunteered to do minecraft and bo2 events. and when she wasnt in them shewas on twith supporting our div. she is a joy to be around and does a great job at training recruitign and being all of what a member can be and more. she deserves this award and has wokred hard to get it . Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI IcyShock (SSGT - Lethal DM) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14757-typhoone12/ Reasoning why the deserve this - when i recruited icy i was a little skeptical because he came to me, but am i glad i recruited him. He has been a great member since the start and has egerly asked and participated in events and was the saving teamate for agonys hh team 6th person. he is always ready for anything and deeply enjoys ksi and doing everything he can to help his squad and divison. he has great potential and i know will make a great officer when menace splits out and will continue growing and become another great member. he deserves this award.
  11. Black Ops 2 HH Team Div: Demonic Mayhem (DM) [DM has 2 BLACKOPS TEAMS and 2 HALO TEAMS so 4 teams in total] Team 1: Agony KSI xSAVIORx - Team Captain KSI Raging Lank KSI H4ZM4TT Flipping Nutter Jessss x96 KSI xSPARTACUSx Alternates: 1. KSI Sniper 15 2. KSI Brave Approved by: KSI Jupiter 7 Team 2: Hellfire KSI Shadowst3p - Team Captain KSI KrazyDC D66BOOKiller H2O A7X QsG Tropic KSI xRUSH3Rx Alternates: 1. KSI IcyShock 2. KSI RedBlade500 Approved by: KSI Jupiter 7
  12. Halo 4 HH team Div - Demonic Mayhem (DM) [DM has 2 BLACKOPS TEAMS and 2 HALO TEAMS so 4 teams in total] Team 1: Lethal KSI huragok - Team Captain KSI TriggaHappyD KSI Nikki Pepsi KSI inferno 7 Alternate: 1. KSI ComanderJJ Approved by KSI Jupiter 7 Team 2: Rage 1. KSI OnyxWolf - Team Captain 2. KSI xMartyMagex 3. KSI HazzyWolf 4. KSI Jacen Kayos Alternate: 1. KSI JUMP3R Approved by KSI Jupiter 7
  13. Div : Demonic Mayhem (DM) GT : KSI Havoc 7 Alternatives : KSI Shadowst3p KSI LI0N 7 All Approved by : KSI Jupiter 7
  14. Div: demonic mayhem Gt: KSI LI0N 7 KSI Kittens KSI nikki pepsi KSI xSAVIORx Game: both (bo2) Approved by : KSI Jupiter 7
  15. Div : Demonic Mayhem FFA Team: 1. KSI Havoc 7 2. KSI H4ZM4TT 3. KSI Shadowst3p 4. KSI Icyshock (alternate) KSI nikki pepsi (alternate) KSI Deathful2 Approved by KSI Jupiter 7
  16. U neefa posy this in the black ops one not the halo
  17. Div: Demonic Mayhem Halo 4: 1.KSI Jupiter 7 2. KSI Huntress 3. KSI Gremlins 4. KSI Jumper 5. DarkeBlad3 (Alternate 1) KSI Thatperson (Alternate 2) KSI Huragok approved by KSI Samuari 7, KSI Havoc 7 Hey jess ebat is the game type infinity rumble?
  18. Division: Demonic Mayhem Gamertags: KSI Havoc 7 KSI LI0N 7 KSI Samurai 7 KSI Shadowst3p (4/10, if we get more ill update this post) Leader Who Approved: KSI Jupiter 7
  19. hey Jess when are these short videos due because I would like to do when I said above in a short animation that way I could use it for school and it would be more than just a sound
  20. DM's got this in the bag, with a community montage of awesome clips, game show night, karaoke night, tourneys :3 its gonna be a great week xp
  21. Gamertag: KSI Jupiter 7 Division/Squad: DM Idea: Song Parody [idk if this is too long but im also making a DM community montage of bo2 and halo 4 gameclips, should be about 2:30-3:30 mins long, will be done by or on june 24th] I'm not sure if this is what you are loking for, but in highschool I made up my own version to Sexy back by Justin timber lake called Hair back ( star wars parody ) I could do it live stream or record it and send it to you (ill have my cap card soon and have the background music go while I sing the lyrics) here are the lyrics (not the complete song but it never got finished but I could finish it: Im bringing hairy back *chewy growl , which I can do * them other jedi don't know how to act princess laya better watch her back cuz vaders coming and his clones will attack take it to the bridge yoda got laid (can edit this part out lol highschool remember) she saw his saber and became his slave ill send my ewoks down to jabas cave to free the princess from her schacled chains take it to the chorus Luke im your father (go vader go) Come to the Dark side (go vader go) Emipre ruuules (go vader go) Luke im your father
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