Vote for your favorite Spirit Week 2016 Promo Video!!
The 6 Video/Intro contestants are : ** ( NOTE - The names ARE NOT the order of the Videos, The videos are are in another order ) ***
KSI JESSI<iframe width="759" height="452" src="
KSI Warrior Ace<iframe width="734" height="438" src="
KSi Jupiter 7="
KSI SnipDaWabbitiframe width="734" height="438" src="
KSI POISON IVYidth="734" height="438" src="
KSI intros
KSI Graphic iframe width="734" height="438" src="
Thank you everyone who help create these videos and intros !! All of these are on The KSI Productions YouTube channel!
*** NOTE *** - You MUST vote in order for the VOTE to COUNT, commenting someones name or the number does not count as a VOTE!