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KSI officerpup

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About KSI officerpup

  • Birthday 02/01/1997

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  • Interests
    Law Enforcment Officer!
  • Gamertag
    KSI Officer Pup
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    KSI Officer Pup#5761
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  1. KSI Officer Pup New member certified Attended the New Member Certified work shop hosted by KSIxNamineMoon
  2. I edited post. Please let me know if you need anything else to be changed. Thank you
  3. Airbornes legion. @KSI FadeZ 7 can attest that i have been in KSI for more than 12 months with a KSI TAG
  4. Airborne was an amazing friend and leader in DR I still remember so much from back in 2012. He taught me so much and was always willing to help. He had a really great attitude he didnt care what rank you were he didnt fo the whole click thing to only talk to certain people. I am the member I am now from the knowledge I have gained over time knowing this amazing man right here. I absolutely attest to the amazing job he did in DR
  5. I believe we need to have an award for all the first responders in KSI that risk there lives for there local communities and lives of fellow humans
  6. Name: KSI Officer PupLink to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/45106-ksi-officer-pup/Award-/-Achievement: Legen. CommittedReason-/-Evidence: Legen- I have more than 5 forums awards. Commited- witness statement from KSI Fadez 7 attesting to my Golden KSI tag for 12 consecutive months
  7. Let's go SL let's hit our first Turkey bowl hard!
  8. I'll witness to this. I've had several experiences with allstar going above and beyond. But for factual purposes I'll give a specific detailed instance. We had a member that had just joined CD in prodigy. Allstar had only met him 2 or 3 times briefly. This member was going through a really rough time and allstar went out of his way to contact this member and get to know him he had a long talk with him just making sure he was okay and to see if there was anything he could do to help. He stayed up late when this member got upset just so he could talk to him and he made him feel much better. He is an amazing general and he cares about all of his members and all of CD. Taking a lot of time out of his personal day to care for his members not only with community based issues but to insure that the members of this division have the support they need for personal issues as well. He is a wonderful General and friend.
  9. Honestly... this is really hard
  10. Omg i have no idea lol probably look king or Forrest Gump.. any good military movie really also.
  11. FFDP, A7X, and Disturbed. Have a ffdp and a7x mashup tattoo on my back. Love them so much! Guess we can start a bestie group now.
  12. I' currently watching Scream the t.v. serious. Also watching Nikita. It is an amazing show if y'll have never seen it.
  13. Shoot always listening to anything FFDP or A7x any kinda good metal love my country music too.
  14. KSI EXODUS 7 (DR / Div-leader) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/367-ksi-exodus-7/ Reason- He always works his butt off to the extreme to help everyone he can even if they aren't in our div. He is a large contribution as to why DR is the way it is, wonderful. KSI AIRBORNE 7 (DR / co-div) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2037-ksi-airborne-7/ Reason- Airborne is always helping everyone with anything and everything. He always makes him self available online and offline. It doesn't matter if we have problems online or offline. Airborne makes himself available 24/7. He deserves this award because he goes the extra miles to help us out with ksi and personal problems at ALL hours of the day. KSI Voltage 7 (DR / co-fo) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7561-ksi-voltage-7/ Reason- voltage helps me out with my squad all the time. He is good at helping me find solutions for all my problems and fix future problems before they occur. He also helps my members learn a lot of things that they normally wouldn't have anyone willing to teach the. He is an overall very good, hard-working, and dedicated ksi member. KSI Osiris v1 (KSI Rapture DR / Gen) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10280-ksi-osiris-v1/ Reason- From just becoming a gen recently he has picked up on things very quickly. He has created a great environment for his squad and has trained very active members. He is a great gen now and I can't wait to see what else he is going to show us. He is good at keeping his members active and happy and he keeps his squad very organized. KSI Bl4ckde4th ( KSI Judgement DR / 1CPT) http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11484-ksi-bl4ckde4th/ Reason- his gen has been on deployment and he has been doing a fantastic job at maintaining the squad. He has been keeping the squad active and doing everything that he is able to do and doing it the VERY best he can with what he has to work with.
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