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KSI ZombSlaya

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About KSI ZombSlaya

  • Birthday February 3

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Playing zombies on COD Black Ops, quick-scoping with my buds on COD MW2, or playing any kind of game in MW3's multiplayer
  • Gamertag
    KSI ZombSlaya
  • Squad

KSI ZombSlaya's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. And the body parts go flying! How wunderbar!

  2. And the body parts go flying! How wunderbar!

  3. One little two little three little zombie heads, four little five little six little zombie heads, Darth Vader little eight little nine little zombie heads...AND I STILL HAVE A MILLION TO GO!!!! x3

  4. One little two little three little zombie heads, four little five little six little zombie heads, Darth Vader little eight little nine little zombie heads...AND I STILL HAVE A MILLION TO GO!!!! x3

  5. One little two little three little zombie heads! Four little five litlle six little zombie heads! Darth Vader little eight little nine little zombie heads! AND I STILL HAVE A MILLION TO GO!!! x3

  6. One little two little three little zombie heads! Four little five litlle six little zombie heads! Darth Vader little eight little nine little zombie heads! AND I STILL HAVE A MILLION TO GO!!! x3

  7. Ze Wunderwaffe! HOW WUNDERBAR!!! >X3

  8. Ze Wunderwaffe! HOW WUNDERBAR!!! >X3

  9. Face the facts, man. Zombies just want hugs and we just want THEIR HEADS. >:3

  10. Face the facts, man. Zombies just want hugs and we just want THEIR HEADS. >:3

  11. I'm bored out of MY MIND DX

  12. Black Ops' Moon IS MIND BLOWING XD and yet cheap B(

  13. Black Ops' Moon IS MIND BLOWING XD and yet cheap B(

  14. ~So, quit..complaining...about your bad aiming...AND USE THE HEADSHOT POWER OF DEADSHOT DAIQUIRI!!~ MAN THAT'S STUCK IN MY HEAD XD

  15. ~So, quit..complaining...about your bad aiming...AND USE THE HEADSHOT POWER OF DEADSHOT DAIQUIRI!!~ MAN THAT'S STUCK IN MY HEAD XD

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