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Everything posted by KSI BEAST NY 7

  1. Director : KSI Roman 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division) – DIR (TW,DL,EO) http://www.ksiforums...89-ksi-roman-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – He is a leader that not only comes down from his high chair to help the littlest of members, He gave me ideas on games for game night and told me about the Educational section on the forums. Division Leader : KSI LAZAR 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division) – DIV Leaders DL http://www.ksiforums...10-ksi-lazar-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Where do I start Trainer, leader, and problem solver, I haven’t seen a stronger leader since Bill Clinton left the white house. This member has trained everybody under the sun to be future leaders and he helped me because the best trainer out here, if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have won the OTM oct award of the month for LT. Captain; Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI UnionHitman ( 1st Captain, Apollo, DL) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...si-unionhitman/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Hitman, he has always tried to jump up to the job. I believe that he referred 8 people as part of Asylum's rewards program to change his name, one of two who has ever done it, even though every meeting it's brought up. From there he was a phenomenal sergeant, couldn't ask for a better one. But the thing was, he always was asking questions about the Captains duties, he had his own set of notes for who was what rank and who promoted them. He kept his own tabs to better his knowledge of the squad. Not only that, but he would beg to take the squad notes, Officers have hard enough time getting recruits out of their sergeants and here we are with one dying to take squad notes. I always held Hitman to the respect of a Captain, he acted like one, talked like one, and knew a lot more than most of them. ANY squad would be lucky to have him as an officer, he's a great leader, great role model, and he gets everyone motivated. He wants to prove that he's got this, and now he has his opportunity from the squad split. Where Lazar ties in, is the fact that he wants to impress everyone, he knows he does. I don't know how well those two know another, but I feel know that Hitman deserves this award so maybe he can step his game down and let another member into the spotlight. LT : KSI Rafter man Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – LT Apollo DL http://www.ksiforums...ksi-rafter-man/ Reasoning why they deserve this – he started off slow but after I trained him on recruiting and how to talk to members he jump the banner, he recruited, and hosted his own game nights, he changed his name right in front of me and I mentored him to be the best leader to all his lower offices. He start recruiting training parties for ppl that are ready to recruit and he works on making every member feel like family, Apollo wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. Member: KSI Dr Doom 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division) - co- DIV leader DL http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-dr-doom-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This member, where do i start it bring a tear to my eye. He helps the littlest of members from RCT to founder and higher, he's the most active 7 i have on my friends list. He brings a whole new meaning to education and squad unity. he is the only 7 i see acting like a general and a mentor at the same time. He plays no games when it come to any ones SOP and he is not scared to make big moves.If i could i place the medal of the year right in his hands. DL needs more future leaders like him and after the day is over and the sun sets behind the big rock candy mountain there will not be another KSI Dr Doom 7
  2. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MRN1NjA 1 Capt of wendigo DL Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7033-ksi-mrn1nj4/ Reasoning why the deserve this -this capt has made it to Gen of our very first Halo sqaud taking 7 members and turning them into 45 and teaching his new sqaud everything they need to know to success in KSI from recuriting and training to having so many game night and showing new member that forums are a great place to have new members read about KSI he is a great role model and future leader he has helped other squads turn around and be better as squad mates he is an important part of this team and i expect more great things to come from him the future is bright. He is an awesome leader!!!!! Director: KSI Roman 7 (Rank - Division) –Div-TW/DL/EO Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...89-ksi-roman-7/ Reason: He always keeps our DIV updated on games and up coming tournament, he throws the best game nights in our DIV and he keeps our DIV inline He also makes sure every one is in line and gets things done hes a great guy. Co-Division Leader: KSI Dr Doom 7 (Rank - Division) co-div DL Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-dr-doom-7/ Reason: This co-div not only goes above and beyond his SOP he take time to defuse small and big issues, he is very informative intelligent and active he has alot to offer to this gaming community i have great respect for this man and hes an awesome Mentor Division Leader : KSI LAZAR 7 (Rank - Division) DIV Leader - DL Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...10-ksi-lazar-7/ Reason: leadership, organized, informative, active, and quick problem solver. This leader gets right to the point and he doesn’t play games in his Div, I have had the opportunity to see him get multiple succesfull squad splits done anytime there is a problem within the division he gets to the point and gets it taken care of right away thats why i think he deserves the award for best Division Leader LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI UnionHitman Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7597-ksi-unionhitman/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This dude is just straight up and down phenomenal he takes every minute of his time to help any and every KSI member wether its helping them navigate through the forums or teaching them the ins and outs of KSI he WILL be a great Leader i know this for a fact hes a very respectable guy hes funny as hell and just a great person overall!!!
  3. 2012 HH DL CHAMPS ASYLUM FTW!!!!!!!!!

  4. Monoxide aka KSI WALLACE 7 thanks for being a great mentore I've learned a lot from you as far as how to host meetings how to run a squad answered any question I ever had I look up to you and hope that I one day will be as good of a leader as you are you've tought a lot of guys extremely well and you deserve the mentore award!!!!!
  5. Thanks KSI Al Capone for assisting me with any general questions I had and always having an answer for me ultimately I think he should deserve member assistance!!!
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