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Durin 4688

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Durin 4688 last won the day on November 8 2019

Durin 4688 had the most liked content!

About Durin 4688

  • Birthday 03/22/1994

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    DURIN 4688
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    Durin 4688

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. Host: KSI DURIN Attendance: @KSI Warrior4878 Evidence: Workshops Awards: [Basic training] and [Train the trainer]
  2. So Venum is a drama Queen. However Chad is a drama diva.Venum aura his ok. When Chad's aura comes out he takes over the party and then the most dramatic entrance of all time happens with his theme song Photograph by Nickelback and is mentor The Shockmaster. That is where Chad's learned style.
  3. Starset has been a very good mentor and friend to me in elysium. I don't think the squad would still be here if it wasn't for starset he brings positivity professionalism good humor and I also declare that KSI Starset 7 is the best general that elysium has ever had. Starset is a master of member retention security squad activity meetings schedules and everything else that a great 7 needs. I believe that starset Is worthy of the OS2 award. And starset go up and beyond your limits PLUS ULTRA
  4. Please post as following; Host: @KSI DURIN Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Weeaboo/ @Ken Kaneki Award: CEP Basic training, CEP train the trainer, CEP Forum. Any evidence if required: @KSI DURIN Profile Link if possible: @Ken Kaneki
  5. Div leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Venum 7 Div DW Link to forums account - @VENUM 7 Venum has been a very good mentor to me and the rest of my division. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bane 7 DW CPT Link to forums account - @Bane 7 He as been working hard to make are squad a positive environment. While keeping an active schedule.
  6. My bad I was using them as examples. Any number is ok with me.
  7. Hello everyone. My suggestion is to award gamers who have 100% of all the achievements in many games. 25, 50, 100.
  8. Gamertag/Forums name:KSI DURIN Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Completed the new member workshop on 11/10/2019 Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI HARLEYGIRL
  9. Gamertag: KSI VENUM 7 Link: @VENUM 7 Award: Gold Outstanding (OS Lvl 3) Reason: Since I have rejoined KSI. KSI Venum 7 as shown me great knowledge and positivity. When i rejoined KSI I was not shore about going up the ranks. I was also not shore about joining a department. But when started to talk with Venum about raking up and joining a department. He helped me realize that this current KSI is not the old KSI and after that I started to enjoy. The idea of ranking up again and I realized that it was time I stop thinking of being apart of a department and join a department and you know what it turns out I love being apart of productions. Sorry if i repeated myself to much. This is the first time I have opened up like this.
  10. DR FTW. But good luck to the other Div's as well.
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