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  • Birthday December 11

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    Co Division Leader

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KSI ORACLEx 7's Achievements


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  1. IO Ghost Team KSI Mr Postman xKSIx YINGxYING Dinomanj12 KSIx2FINGERS 4U Alternate - KSI bakerfire37
  2. I witness that the above roster of the head hunters team is correct and accurate, they practice Fridays and Saturdays.
  3. KSI FuzzyFins - where to start - he is an great guy, an awesome leader, a valued FI family member and a great gamer. You can't get to know Fuzzy and not like him. He has a witty sense of humor and is truly loved by his squad and other FI family members. He is honest and trustworthy, diligent and mindful and has become one of my favorite people. I without a doubt consider KSI FuzzyFins to be a wonderful general, great mentor and all around value to KSI. He hands down deserves this award, his dedication to his squad and FI is an example I hope all KSI members strive to emulate. I am very pleased not only to have met KSI FuzzyFins, but to be able to call him my friend.
  4. I witness KSI AchievHuntr - he changed his name in the end of summer 2012. Great KSI member, extremely active and dedicated.
  5. Division Leader Gamertag - KSI DoCNeSS 7 - Forced Induction Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2253-ksidocness7/ Reason for deserving this - DoCNeSS deserves this award because he goes above and beyond every single day. He is 110% dedicated to seeing Forced Induction continue to grow to become the power house division we all know it can be. DoCNeSS was running our division long before being promoted to Division Leader - he stepped up and filled the role when our last Division Leader was unable to do what his job. One of the qualities most admired by the members in FI is that he doesn't ask his members to do anything he isn't or hasn't done before -whether recruiting, gaming, holding training workshops or walking someone step by step on how to use the forums. He is friendly, outgoing, patient, understanding, a great listener, fierce, competitive and most of loyal to both KSI and FI. We are all very lucky to have KSI DoCNeSS 7 as a friend, leader and mentor.
  6. BLACK OPS 2 Squad/Division - Octane FI KSI MAXIMA -Team Captain KSI Most Dope KSI votel KSIxGRIMREAPERx KSI AchievHuntr KSI Perfectiion Alternates Teammates Gamertags - Leader who approved - KSI ORACLEx 7
  7. BLACK OPS 2 Squad/Division - Octane FI KSI SM4SH4R - Team Captain Xx13goober13Xx Dubtownsfinest xChilOTE Sayys FROZ3NxSD3MONS OiSRo Tank Alternates Teammates Gamertags - Leader who approved - KSI ORACLEx 7
  8. BLACK OPS 2 Squad/Division - Velocity FI KSI BroFrutiger - Team Captain HaRRyJAck12 KSI Slick Wil KSI SOLDIER 503 KSI xLoGiKx twinrival Alternates Teammates KSIxEVINSHINOBI SkilledAFMan Leader who approved - KSI ORACLEx 7
  9. Xbox Live Gamertag - KSI Relentless Division: Forced Induction Leader who approved: KSI ORACLEx 7 Alternates: KSI Living H311 KSI Most Dope KSI Chief HD
  10. Division: FI Team: KSI ZEUS KILLER - Intake KSI Turtlez - Nitro KSI BroFrutiger - Velocity KSI Most Dope - Octane KSI Chief HD – Viper Alternate - KSI OtimusPrime - Shift Approved by KSI ORACLEx 7
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