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KSI Joe 7

The Shadow Realm
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KSI Joe 7 last won the day on April 2 2021

KSI Joe 7 had the most liked content!

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  1. Everyone could learn from the Goddess.....Alexa Bliss!!!

    1. DntAskImAwfl


      Lmao :ShameOnYou: I get the reference 

  2. True friends are always there for you. You can gain true friends just by saying Hi, see how someone is, check up and game with them. Gaming and member retention...such a great concept for others to learn! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. xKami


      I never understood why you didn’t add me back. Thought I smelled bad through the mic. Lol.

    3. KSI Joe 7

      KSI Joe 7

      @HNS xKamiYou smelled like a bully! lol j/k We both were doing our own thing. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. I get this feeling you'll be doing amazing things, with people that you feel you could fit in with. Sitting at their table. I think that's it. We just sit at different tables with different types of people. hehe


      @DntAskImAwflI remember looking up on Google, "be a gamer, not a shamer". I had no clue that was an original quote from you. lol Best thing in 9 1/2 years with you. You're one of the best ever! <3

    4. DntAskImAwfl


      And there is 1 person I recruited that turned into my biggest nightmare in KSI "Toxic as s***"

  3. Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI DntAsk 7 (Rank - Division/Squad) - Co-Founder - DM Link to forums account - @KSI DntAsk 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - DntAsk, better known as Pam to most, is one of the best leaders that I've ever had the pleasure of working with. From her super high strategical member retention, where she focuses primarily on the member's KSI and even personal needs, to her vast knowledge of KSI information she has, hosting personalized workshops for DM, this woman does it all. It is well known throughout this community that DntAsk makes KSI part of her daily routine, always doing something KSI related to help someone out. It's basically her second family. She still continues to train up new officers all the time, ensuring all the squads she's over have well trained officers that work as a cohesive unit. DntAsk lights up any party she's in, practically filling them up to the maximum capacity, especially at one of her incredibly fun game nights. She puts so much time aside to help members out with KSI related stuff, as well as personal stuff going on in their lives as well. DM is super lucky to have such a selfless, warm hearted individual that cares so much about the members and community, as is KSI. SSGT Gamertag: KSIxSTEAKx01 (Rank - Division/Squad) - SSGT - DM/Sinister Link to forums account - @STEAK N TATER01 Reasoning why they deserve this- This one was tough, as DM currently has a lot of amazing SSGT's. STEAK is excelling to go way above and beyond. From killing it with knocking out almost all the trainings and promotions, to hosting fun and interactive game nights, STEAK is a force to be reckoned with, so to speak. He has a great drive to help better this community and is a very caring individual as well. He spends time integrating members one on one, ensuring no member is left behind. His specialization in member retention is amazing and effective. Everyone in Sinister and most of DM knows STEAK, as he has a huge presence. He business transferred earlier this month to Sinister, which was a great move for him. Any squad STEAK is in would benefit from such an effective officer. He's always posting in our Discord server and DM's Destiny server, helping members out in games and ensuring member retention is taken care of. I'm looking forward to seeing how far this individual will go in KSI. SGT Gamertag: KSI Prophet#3741 (Rank - Division/Squad) - SGT - DM/Venom Link to forums account - @KSI Prophet Reasoning why they deserve this - Prophet is a prime example of what every Sergeant striving to be an officer and great member should be in all of KSI. He attends all game nights that he can, across all the squads in DM and especially his own, and attends squad meetings and workshops as well. Prophet is currently training to be an officer, and is already out there trying to recruit and sits in through trainings and promotions, to learn all that he can. He has been helping answer many of the newer member's questions too, which is quite refreshing to see how much KSI knowledge he has picked up on during his time here. He always helps out members in games and with anything he can KSI related. He literally will jump out of his game and onto another game to help someone, as I've seen on more than one occasion. He will also seek out an an answer to help a member if he doesn't know it. On top of all that, Prophet makes any party he's in fun, with his comical jokes and fun sense of humor. Venom and all of DM is definitely benefitting from this awesome member.
  4. KSI DntAsk 7 @KSI DntAsk 7 Award: Novice Recruiter Reason why they deserve this award: DntAsk has recruited over 30 members during her time in KSI. I could verify for that.
  5. Category: Senior Leader (CEO) Gamertag: KSI xKing77 Forums Account Link: @KSI xKing 77 Reasons they deserve this award: King has been a very crucial part in helping rebuild DM since DM took a major hit back in late September. He's been there every step of the way, helping guide the 7 and officer staff in all the squads to pure success. King has been a solid rock foundation as DM's acting Director, pushing through for us and being there whenever needed. He answers within minutes and helps out with anything. It's refreshing for all of us in DM to finally have contact with upper leadership in KSI, and DM is really lucky to have a hard worker like King with us. He not only is helping and making things great again in DM, but helping KSI out as a whole. This member is outstanding, through and through. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI DntAsk 7 Forums Account Link: @KSI DntAsk 7 Reasons they deserve this award: DntAsk, better known as Pam to most, has been one of the best leaders I've ever had the pleasure in working with during my entire time here in KSI. When so many other people would have just given up, she stood her ground and fought through a very tough time here in DM, and shined like a true champion through it. Her in real life experience with counseling helps us all out in DM, and in KSI too. Everyone in KSI knows who DntAsk is. From her ways of doing member retention and helping members out in and out of KSI situations, her mere presence is so important to DM. She is currently holding up a squad with limited officers and just doing amazing with it. She is the rock in DM that likes to try to remain invisible, but members know how important and wonderful she truly is. DM wouldn't be where it's at right now if not for this incredible, selfless woman with a pure heart of gold. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Lilith 7 Forums Account Link: @KSI Lilith 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Lilith, also known as Amanda has really done wonders for DM and especially Wrath this year. When things got tough in there and Wrath basically lost a it's officers and General, she stepped up and saved Wrath. From training up new officers, to recruiting and promoting new members, Lilith has done wonders for Wrath, which is now flourishing with an amazing well trained General, Thanks to her. Lilith has a great presence throughout all of DM, as many people flock to her and enjoy playing and hanging out in parties with her. She is an amazing asset now to the 7 staff and DM overall. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI T StackG Forums Account Link: @KSI T StackG Reasons they deserve this award: Stack is one of the most solid Captains DM has seen in quite some time. He is/was literally the backbone of Wrath. He is an extremely hard worker and cares about the members very much so. Stack recruits, trains and promotes members daily. He is currently doing amazing as a new General in Wrath, which you wouldn't know if you came across him. He always is on top of everything. If someone has a question, he'll answer them within minutes. If he doesn't know the answer, he'll seek it out immediately. He's always wanting to improve and better himself. He loves learning as much KSI knowledge as he can, and uses it to help out his perspective squad on a daily basis. Stack is kind, warm and compassionate. I'm looking forward to seeing all he will do in the new year. Category: Sergeant Gamertag: KSI Ocean Power Forums Account Link: @KSI Ocean Power Reasons they deserve this award: Ocean is the epitome of what every Sergeant in KSI should be. He attends all game nights and squad meetings that he can. He has a warm heart and helps out members like an unofficial counselor within all the squads. He is basically like an officer without being an officer. He stays online with some members just to talk to them and help them through difficult times, even staying on longer than he should. Sometimes we have to remind him that his family needs his attention too. He truly cares and loves to play anything with anyone. He is Welcoming and friendly to any new member he meets. Ocean is a member that all leaders could truly learn from. Category: Member Gamertag: KSIxRoyal Forums Account Link: @KSIxRoyal Reasons they deserve this award: Royal is truly one of the most outstanding members in all of DM. He was previously an officer this past year, mainly stepping up with his busy schedule to help out his perspective squad, just because they needed it. He had to step down, but did an amazing job as an officer, and does just as an amazing job as a member. He helps people in games so much, taking hours at a time when he's available, to show newer players what to do. He is patient, kind and makes each and every member he comes across feel important. He knows at the end of the day it's just a game, and prefers to surround himself with good company, than just getting the task at hand done in any game. He's persistent and tries his hardest to help out, even in other situations that are KSI related. He is truly an amazing and awesome member that many other members flock to, because of his friendly and positive demeanor.
  6. Gamertag: KSI refined Link to forums account: @KSI refined Award: Committed Reason/Evidence: I could verify and attest that KSI refined has been in KSI since 11/11/19 with the same KSI Gamertag.
  7. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DntAsk 7 (Co-Founder - DM) Link to forums account: @KSI DntAsk 7 Reasoning why they deserve this: What is there to say about Pam, aka, DntAsk, that hasn't been said at one time or another? This woman is one of the best Leaders and Co-Founders KSI has ever seen. Member retention is her #1 priority. She's put countless things aside in her personal life, just to be there for the members. Whether it be just to listen to something about their personal life, or to check in with the members to see how they're doing in KSI, Pam is like a life counselor to all. Not just in DM, but in all of KSI. She truly cares and touches every person and soul she comes across. She still continues to recruit, promote and train people over the squad she is acting General over as well. She is there for all the squads, regardless if she's their Co-Founder or not. How it should be. She keeps everyone informed of everything they need to be, and is a pleasure to work with. After a really tough month for DM, a lot of us may not still be in KSI truthfully, if not for this amazing, selfless woman. We are all extremely Thankful to her for that. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Lilith (General- DM/Wrath) Link to forums account: @KSI Lilith This woman is a rare gem. Amanda, aka, Lilith cares so much about Wrath and all of the members. She has recently been spreading her greatness to members in other squads throughout DM, hosting fun impromptu unofficial game nights with the members. So many members flock to Amanda, as she's so much fun to be around. She also runs a tight ship within her squad. Her officer staff may be small, but they get the job done efficiently and effectively, Thanks to her lead. She leads by example, always asking others to do things she has already done herself. She pushes herself and her officers to do the daily KSI routines, while always remaining true to herself and the members. She makes time for each and every single one of them. When recently two squads folded due to unfortunate circumstances, she Welcomed many with open arms into Wrath. These members have been praising their new home squad Thanks to her. Wrath is so lucky to have such an amazing person like Amanda. We all are lucky to have her in DM. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI T StackG (Captain - DM/Wrath) Link to forums account: @KSI T StackG Reasoning why they deserve this: Stack is one of the strongest officers I've come across in awhile. He truly defines what a Captain should be, being the backbone of Wrath. The entire squad knows and respects him, understandably so. Stack recruits, trains and promotes on the daily. Sometimes we all need to tell him to slow down, but he still keeps on going. He is so Welcoming to new members, and will literally jump on the game to play with them and show them the fun. Stack will answer any member's question(s) they may have. If he doesn't know the answer, he will actively seek it out in an instant. Anything that you ask to do of this man, he will go out of his way to do. He shows all the members the fun any way he can, and the reason we all joined KSI in the first place, to play games and have fun. Wrath and DM are lucky to have him here.
  8. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gruntier 7 (Senior Director) Link to forums account: @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasoning why they deserve this award: When you talk about a pillar and trailblazer for this Community, Grunt comes to mind. He literally is a silent gem, who doesn't like nor ask for recognition at all. He's always here to help, and better things in this Community. This month he was a rock for DM, helping us out. He has had to make extremely tough decisions and he does it with ease. He's truly here to help enhance each and every member's KSI experience. We are all so Thankful and lucky to have him in a position where he can help out all of KSI. His decisions he makes are hard, and no matter what slack he gets, he just keeps on going. For those who know caring and wonderful this man is, know that he always has everyone's best interest at heart. KSI is extremely lucky to have him around. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DntAsk 7 (Co-Founder - DM) Link to forums account: @KSI DntAsk 7 Reasoning why they deserve this: DntAsk is one of the reasons I am even still here doing this rank thing. She is a rock we all lean on, and is loved by so many members and Leadership. With the toughest month DM has faced in many years, she has come through as a champion. There is a good reason why this woman is respected and held in such high regard throughout KSI. She hides in the shadows helping. From her personalized messages in our Discord server, to the members themselves, DntAsk is one of the best Leaders I have seen in my time here. When I say she has a heart of gold, I truly mean that. Even through the hardest of times, she manages to put a smile on her face and help the members. She is selfless and has taken so many hits, just in this past month itself. Instead of giving up and walking away, she kicks it into high gear to help out all the members. Her "why" and sole purpose in KSI is for the members. DM wouldn't be where it's at right now, if not for this amazing woman. General: Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Lilith (General - DM/Wrath) Link to forums account: @KSI Lilith Talk about a General who is a dark horse and extremely passionate about what she does, look no further. She recently gave up department/web ops to solely focus on helping better clan ops and her squad. In this past month, she's been helping out members in other squads, during a very difficult time DM has been going through. Lilith cares deeply for the members and Community. She leads by example always, and her entire squad looks up to her, as a result. Lilith is there for anyone in a minute to help, even putting her own real life aside for KSI sometimes. She is always striving to bring out the best in her officer staff, which she does a tremendous job of. With just a few officers, Lilith also continues to recruit, train and promote anytime. Wrath still wouldn't be standing with all it's been through over the past year if not for her. DM is extremely lucky to have this woman in a position of Leadership. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxCountryGurl (LT - DM/Venom) Link to forums account: @Countrygurl836 Countrygurl is one of the most consistent and hard working officers I've seen. She literally has flooded DM's stat chat up with recruitments, promotions and trainings. Always doing it with a smile on her face. Not to mention, she is amazing at member retention. Everyone in Venom knows who Countrygurl is. She's even got members from other squads consistently playing in parties with her. This woman has so much going on in real life for her, which you would never know, as she puts on a smile and helps out everyone. She covers game nights when needed too, and is there for all her other fellow officers and General, to always help out. No workload is too much or tough for her. She is an exemplary officer that is a true shining star here in DM.
  9. I can attest and verify that KSI LiViNgLiFe has had a consecutive KSI Gamertag for over a year.
  10. I can attest and verify that KSI EZeD24 has had a consecutive KSI Gamertag for over a year.
  11. I can attest and verify that KSI Dr Pepper has had a consecutive KSI Gamertag for over a year.
  12. I could verify that KSI Lillith is in clan ops as well. She's currently a General in Wrath DM.
  13. Name: KSI Gruntier 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Gruntier 7 Award-/-Achievement: Dedicated Reason-/-Evidence: KSI Gruntier 7 has had a KSI Gamertag for over 3 consecutive years, since 2/15/17. I could be a witness and verify this, as I was in Cruelty DM with him, when he first joined KSI and changed his Gamertag on that date.
  14. Name: KSIxROMEO 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSIxROMEO 7 Award-/-Achievement: Dedicated Reason-/-Evidence: KSIxROMEO 7 has had a KSI Gamertag since the day he joined KSI, back on 8/5/2017. @KSI Gruntier 7 and/or @KSI Mitch could verify this as well.
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