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Everything posted by KSIxAchilles


  2. Founder Gamertag KSI PROD1GY 7 Founder- Cosmic Equinox Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-prod1gy-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this-I am new to the clan and I can't say i know KSI PRODIGY 7 as well as the others but I can tell that he is very hard working and dedicated to his role as founder. Co-Founder Gamertag (KSI Altair 7 Co- Founder - Cosmic Equinox Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-altair-7/ I have only met KSI Altair 7 a few times but each time he was talkative and seemed like a nice guy! General Gamertag KSI Zohan Link to forums account http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3497-ksi-zohan/ Reason-KSI Zohan is amazing at his job, he works his ass off non stop to help make Eclipse the best it can possibly be. KSI Zohan is my General, I have a lot of respect for him and there is no doubt in my mind that he deserves this. Major Gamertag KSI KALLI KID Major- Eclipse CE Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-kalli-kid Reason-KSI KALLI KID was one of the very first people I met in KSI. He is our major and he seems very eager to become a general. He is a great guy and really deserves this. Captain Gamertag (KSI BeheldX502 1st Captain - Eclipse CE Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...ksi-beheldx502/. Reason- I have not talked to KSI Beheld as much as some of the other members. But, I know he does a great job of making us a close family. That is what I see KSI as, a big family and everytime we get a new person we all get messages for Beheld telling us to make sure to talk to them, play with them and make them feel welcome into KSI.LT Gamertag KSI Hockey36 xx 3rd Captain - Eclipse CE Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...si-hockey36-xx Reason- Now KSI Hockey xx recruited me, him and I have become very close in the short time I have been in KSI. I have seen him fly through the ranks and he got their by working his ass off as well. I have so much respect for him he has been there for me he helped watch over me as I did my first orientation to make sure I did it correctly. He did not have to do that but he did, he uses up hours of his time helping me and teaching me. So that is why I believe Hockey deserves this reward.
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