Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI ImPeriium 7 (Div leader- GZ)
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Currently impy has been there not only for the division but he has been there for us personal well if not for everyone he has been there for me a lot. Impy has sat down with all the squads within the division and has had personal time with us. Like just the other day impy and all the officers out of pride sat down and just got talking about us and how our day was and just getting to know us as a person.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI CENTURION 7 (Co-Div - GZ)
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Centurion has been there no matter what happens he posts on the forums all the time and he took time to get to know all the squads as well.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FlameBreak (2CPT-Solace/GZ)
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Reasoning why the deserve this - I seriously think flamebreak deserves this because he has been there for solace through everything. He hosts gamenights and tries to combine lobbies with other squads which i love that he is trying to combine squads.