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DANKIFIED last won the day on February 8 2014

DANKIFIED had the most liked content!


  • Birthday May 26

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    I should have never left LS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    TG DANK 7
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  1. Tag; KSIxDANKIFIEDx7 Squad/Div; KSI WRECKAGE HD Link; http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/6203-dankified/ Awards; Committed & GamerScoreHoarder , helping hand. Reason; Committed = been in KSI over 3 years. GamerScoreHoarder = just breached 20k on xbxlive. Helping Hand= I have helped many with xbxlive gold and name changes. Most recent was ksi coder.
  2. Witnessing for KSI Coders committed award nom. Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/25501-ksicoder2/ This member has been with us for over a year. EXCELLENT member and Leader!
  4. I am witnessing for KSI CISCO - GEN - KSI WRECKAGE HD. Have seen 1st hand Cisco handing out name changes,live & trials. Excellent Leader! Gen can be a really tough spot sometimes, He's handles his squad with precision. Outstanding member!
  5. Grats peeps! Let's keep bustin butt!
  6. MEMBER KSI DOCNESS 7 LINK: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2253-ksidocness7/ Reason why I think He should be member of the year? We all ( or most of us ) know this member. Anytime this member is asked to help out , it's get DONE! Anytime this member is asked for advice , it's dead on! This member has talked countless members out of leaving , showing them the brighter picture in our community = family & fun! Day in and day out he is in motion for our community. He is the complete definition of LEADER! Bottom line: I am honored to know this man and dam proud he is in our community! KSI
  7. Old timers award. For years in community. Everyone could get a standard award for joining. The 1 year have same award with 1 rank bar. 2 years 2 rank bars and so on.
  8. Name/GamerTag: Jeff Aka: KSIxDANKIFIEDx7 Rank: SGT Impulse LS. Time spent on the Forums: I'm always checking the forums out. Always. Experience & time in KSI: Joined KSI June 2012. Highest rank obtained was cofo. Skype :will provide when needed. Why I think you should pick me to join the AAP? I'm pretty laid back but hardlined. You don't deserve it; then you shouldn't get it.
  9. Division Headhunter award? For those that rep on their Divisions HH squad. Ex. LS DIV. HH Prolly been said b4. Criteria could be.. minimum 5 complete matches. Verified by cofo and up. Only 1CPT and up could post up nomination and or witness.
  10. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI GameCrazy IMPULSE LS General Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/19324-ksi-gamecrazy/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Outstanding Service lvl 1 & Gamer Score Horder. Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Gamer Score is at 20,821. This Leader keeps his squad trained, informed, active and fun. Has been a Gen for some time now and KEEPS plugging away. Handled his squads transition from Div to Div on the merger with poise! Very easy to approach. Leads with confidence and determination. This dedicated member deserves recognition of his outstanding service for not only his squad/div but for our community as well. He is STILL searching and bringing in lost Fallen members and its been a good time since the merger took place. Heck of member and his service should be recognized.
  11. Common Advanced Warfare. ....

  12. full weekend off. OMFG. time to chill and play some GHOST.



      A 3 day weekend. Can't wait to game!

  13. Director - KSI ParaTroop 7 Dir. LS,WI,EO KSI LS,WI,EO Link - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/108-kirito-kun/ Paratroop - Absolutely NO nonsense with this Leader! Does NOT put up with any BS. Takes care of his business professionally. Always willing to help out. Has done some Game nights with our Div. A LOT of fun to hang out with. Makes this side of gaming much easier for most of our clan ops. He gets in the mix. Fixes problems that others probably would try to look past and it ALWAYS works out in the end! Exceptional Leader! His Charisma, Focus, determination and out right knowledge is simply remarkable. Founder - KSI Shivah 7 LS Founder KSI LAST STRIKE Link - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-trainer-shivah/ KSI Shiva 7 took on A LOT when she took over as Founder. She has come pounding through with exceptional Leadership and poise. Very impressed and Honored to have met and work with this Leader! Very active in all phases. Is a Department Head. Puts in a TON of work for this community and definitely should be recognized for her Dedication and commitment. General - KSI xARESx 7 CO Liberty Gen Covert Ops Liberty Gen Link - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/604-xaresx-7/ KSI xARESx 7 is 2nd to NONE when it comes to clan ops! This guy has Been apart of and created more splits than most members I know. JUST split Liberty to Vector. 7-8-9 splits he's had hands in. Just unbelievable what this guy does for KSI. He does tourneys, he helps create SGT's for Quality CPL's. He handles ALL squad splits himself and doesn't lose ANY in the shuffles. SPECTACULAR Clan ops Leader! LT - KSI Uranicsum 1LT KSI JOURNEY LAST STRIKE Link - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15186-ksi-uranicsum/ I have had the Honor of meeting and getting to know this member, excellent officer. perfect fit here in Journey. He helps out when ever asked, he's apart of web ops so he's stepped up and should be recognized for his dedication and commitment. This LT works perfect with Journeys Leadership and puts in a big amount of time recruiting and just hanging out with any member. Very glad he is in Journey. Member - KSI Metalhead 7 4LT KSI JOURNEY LAST STRIKE Link - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/84/ This guy!! Most of us know him! For those that don't, should honestly seek him out and say hi. Top notch member, committed!! Always there if needed. tries his best to help out and willing to help out at any time! One heck of a member! REMOVED some of my votes. recent events,, theres JUST NO way I will support them... Those have been removed from my nominations.
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