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Everything posted by KSI DEATHROW 95

  1. CO-DIV LEADER KSI LAZAR 7(CO-DIV LEADER/DL) LINK-http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1110-ksi-lazar-7/ REASONING- This man more than diserves this, he is constently working on improving DL in too many different ways. Ive seen him give someone his home phone number because they were having problems with people. We were having some problems one night around three in the morrning and we called him and having to go to work at six in the morring he still gets on and doesnt get off untill everything was fixed. This is just one of the many many reasons he desrves this.
  2. KSI WALACE 7 is in my opinion is one of the best people in KSI I have met. Not only that but one of the best, if not the best teacher here. Hes always avalible weather you just need talk or you need help with anything weather its learning your SOP, to learning how to recruit. And its ot lie he fogets about people as he moved up he always has time to help no matter the rank or squad. I was in his squad for he longest time and when i left to become a General he was still helping me learn the ropes. This is why I tink KSI WALACE 7 should have this award hes earned it, and all I have to say is thanks for everything so far WALACE.
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