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KSI Coden 777

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About KSI Coden 777

  • Birthday 11/02/1986

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    KSI Coden 777
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  1. I can vouch here. He is a model member and leader. This squad is one if not the best squad in the division and he has done everything I asked him to do when he was a lt when I first started being thier director and has listened all the way and done his own thing as well. He deserves this award and soon i have no doubt will earn the other 2
  2. Yes I agree Templar takes guidance very well and has the ability to guide as well. He also has that do what it take attitude that more people should have
  3. yes to all and outstanding and id go with silver also if you would, this guys been helping everyone in LS with double J for a while now and they never gave up even when everything said they probably should. I wrote a lot in anatomy's and it stands true for him if not more so. He has been great since the day i met him
  4. I can witness for these, he has done more then his share in LS even after all the Poop with kami and maui warrior he still stood strong even though he thought I didn't like him very much for whatever reason. He has been able to keep with the morals and guidelines I have put into LS for them after I became there director which wasn't the easiest thing to do since things were messy at best. We took a crippled division and made it armada. Any and all officers/leaders that were Part of LS when I came and stood after we started working hard deserve this if not gold for sticking it out when so many people left on them
  5. my status has been reclaimed

  6. I just read it and it does say multiple times so I dunno
  7. yea die hard, he was rank suspended once, im not sure if one rank suspension counts for mad max but if yes then he definatly was
  8. I think committed is just around the corner and member assistance I can also vouch for
  9. What else do I gotta do to get these awards
  10. Name: (KSI Coden 777 Director of LS DR and SR Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/6-ksi-coden-777/ Most of this is way over due, i just never really thought about doing all of this Outstanding service - (Lvl 1) - Silver Outstanding - (Lvl 2)- Gold Outstanding -(Lvl 3)- -[Any rank] For Outstanding service I guess we can go with my running one of the best squads in SH before it split into TW and having a almost 100% member retention rate when I was running it as well as some of the best training done. For silver outstanding service, I can use that I took a division up from what could have been the end of it (TW) and started it on its path to flagship then armada, without my hard work it probably would have been merged into another division after all the crap that happened we went from like 300 members down to below 100 real members (no fluff). For gold outstanding, I can go with the fact that the division I built up has some of the best trained people in KSI at least in my opinion and now was split into a division with people that are just good and continuing to bring up people that are well trained and capable of doing the job that they did. I know I didn’t do all of this but without a start there is no end. We can also go with me jump starting LS back into the scene and they are also armada now when 3 months ago they were full of fluff and leaders that just were stalled for months now they are moving up and doing well (again all opinion) Resurrection I did this with TW after all was said and done, after J2H and leaders leaving. I brought it back from the brink of closing it down. Master Recruiter this isn’t even a question, I’ve done this 3 times over Trainer again not even a question Mad Max I repeat not even a question lol......
  11. i agree to all, i guess if it has to be regular outstanding service first then i agree to that. mentor i cant say cause i wasnt mentored by him
  12. I can say yes to all except for mentor obviously
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