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KSI Diablo x 3

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Everything posted by KSI Diablo x 3

  1. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xVICIOUSx 7 Founder EO Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1472-xviciousx-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This guy is a true freaking leader. Through all the Poop that was going on when he re entered as founder in EO he has held is together and still has found time for gaming and most importantly having fun. Through the short time of him being here there has already been a significant amount of activity. People have started to recruit and have fun again because of that positive energy he brings not only to the ones he talks to but I also believe that it carries over to the gens and then the gens pass it down to the rest of their squad members and makes this division fun to be in and enjoyable but also the great strong division it always has and will be to come.
  2. Umm yeah dude your profile is incorrect lol!

  3. Beat Taco at Quickscopez feel like a boss? yes i do

  4. Finaly beat Taco at quickscopez i feel like a boss!

  5. Lets see I am a freakin 4LT now!


  7. Good mornong everyone!

  8. Hows everyones day going

  9. Hows everyones day going

  10. Happy 7-11 hope u all had a free slurpie

  11. How's everybodies day going?

  12. Hows did everyone day go

  13. Hows everyone day of gaming goin

  14. Hows everybody doing.

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