Name/Gamertag: KSI PewPew
Rank (If applicable): 3rd Captain of Defcon CO
Time spend on the forums Daily: 7 hours daily, whether it be on Xbox 360, iPhone or PC.
Experience in KSI: I've been in KSI for about 5 months now. I've never attempted nor will I ever attempt to make enemies with anyone. I tried to not favorite anyone and I never have, but I am friends with a lot of people. I get on the forums anytime I have the chance, during work, school or personal time.
Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I believe I am a reasonable choice for AAP staff because I don't favorite anyone. During each month when the new "Of the Month" awards are given, I will not choose people I like, I will look into the work they've put into KSI in their positions and make a responsible choice. If it's for writer of the month, I will speak with higher members on the News Team and get their opinions on how they believe is right. I will put a lot of time into my voting decisions and make decisions I know I wouldn't regret.
Thank you
-KSI PewPew