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    50 [ Donate ]

Everything posted by KSI WEBBY1y

  1. Queen of Fright (verified) - yes
  2. Award Spirit of Halloween verified yes
  3. Award hobbyist (eligible) yes Awaerd Mac and cheese (eligible) yes
  4. Gamertag ksi webby1y @KSIWEBBY Award: Fresh meat Evidence look at my profile on the views
  5. Gamertag / Forums Name GT- KSI WEBBY1Y Award KSI Forums Certified Evidence? I
  6. 2023 donor (verified) - yes
  7. SH Socialist Party(eligible)- Yes
  8. Award United we stand (eligible) yes
  9. Halloween spirit (eligible) yes
  10. On point (verified) yes We all fit together (verified) yes
  11. Please could you link ur forums account to your nomination Round of applause (verified) yes queen of frights (verified) yes getting popular (verified) yes
  12. Gamertag/Forums name:KSI WEBBY1Y Award: new member Evidence: n/a Person(s) who ran the workshop: Mrs sprinks and ksi aub 7
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