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KSI Black Shade

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Everything posted by KSI Black Shade

  1. We need to increase the frequency of the tournements. We easily have the staff for it, as I myself am willing to hold a tournament every day if it was permitted. At least twice per week would be a great improvement and if we're already at twice then move it up to three.
  2. If it even still stands as necessary, I vouch as his CO-Fo. There isn't an order I can give Rasta that he cannot and has not completed. He reminds me 95% of myself and all GEN should look to him if they wish to truly know how it is you perfect this rank, as such he has proven himself outstanding within not only his rank, but within all of KSI and has deemed himself as worthy of this award.
  3. Well, i'm most certainly available to anyone in need, so feel free to lok up my g-tag (Under my profile) and send me an invite whenver young lad.
  4. How about this. Shade vs. 4? (One side has an unfair advantage). Tell me when we may set this up.
  5. Let's just set it up on here. On behalf of Defcon and Sabotage, both accept. When and where my friend?
  6. Of the Year Nominations Senior Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI QueenJess 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...r/39-the-queen/ Reasoning why they deserve this – I’ve seen this one work. I’ve seen the work she’s done. Outstanding is the word I would label upon her résumé. Besides the achievements she holds, her rank and status, she’s shown me her consideration to want work with the individual member and not treat KSI as a whole. She’s shown this by catching me in my mistakes and not correcting them, but rather assisting me in correcting them myself. This is the grounds of a true leader, as a true leader does not bestow and display power through themselves, but rather empowers those to which he, or she leads. Her actions, not her accomplishments, or any bias, are what make her a candidate for this reward. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Paratroop 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...-㊋para-sensei㊋/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Any who know Cory, aka KSI Paratroop 7, should know that a vouch for Division Leader of the year is of no bias. It has been said and I shall say it once more, CO would not be CO without his over watch. His persistence to never allowing members to drop, to never allow squads to fail has been unmatched. You will often hear of a constant presence and that presence is merging. Squad merging is an unfortunate process when a leadership may no longer hold up their own squad and as such leaders are forced to intervene and ‘’merge’’ the deceased squad with a healthier squad. This process has not happened within CO’s bounds. This is because of Paratroop and his success as a leader. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI RickGrimes 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...si-rickgrimes7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Cody has been there for the majority of the time I have ever been required to call upon him. He, along with Paratroop, oversaw the completion of my squad and the continued functioning of squads: Enigma, Liberty, Hostile, Apache, Defcon and Foxtrot. His accomplishments have been large and are worth accreditation. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI BUBBLEZ 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...72-lorigrimes7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Cheryl has over watched my squad with success and was one of the active presences’ that brought upon the continued action of recruiting, training and the prevention of squad failure. My squad was on the brink of death. Cheryl handed me the pieces while I built an invisible puzzle. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Zallesx187 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...08-zallesx187x/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Came into my squad as a result of the recruiting efforts of KSI Xx Panic xX. A quite man who knows how to get his work done. He quickly took the mentoring advice of Panic and applied it to his own leadership capabilities, augmenting his ability to see goals and how they should be accomplished. His efforts brought upon the relief of Defcon and of Foxtrot alike. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Paratroop 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...-㊋para-sensei㊋/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Same reasoning as per Div vote above. ^ Recruiter Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Legitimate Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...ksi-legitimate/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Unfortunate that very little comes from this young boy as far as activity as of late, but that matters not. On June 25th, 2012, he had just so happened to have encountered me during a game of TDM; I remember the game well, I had gone 23-0. I noticed he had a prefix in front of his name and I have to admit, I hadn’t a clue who KSI were. I had just finished leaving a previous community, or TMG, to which I was discharged from on accounts of false conspiracy, but regardless of this rather unfortunate point, there was some light to this situation, as I had run into this young man. I sent him a message allowing him the knowledge that I was interested in KSI. Understand that he could have not recruited me that day and if he had not, hundreds of recruits would not exist in KSI, Defcon would be merged as of now with another squad, Foxtrot would be finished, Apache would be finished and Sabotage would more than likely not exist and I too, would not be a presence within KSI, whether that is seen as fortunate, or unfortunate. Let this be an example, whether this be worthy of recruiter of the year, or not, that every recruit counts, that every recruit has the infinite possibility to shape KSI for the better and that every recruit could be ‘’that one recruit’’ whom touches the hearts and minds of many.
  7. It should be rather mandatory to allow him the enlightment of his ''low-lifedness''.
  8. I vouch that yes, he spends much of his life upon here.
  9. I was reactivating a previous nomination under the archive that was conducted before the rule had been set into place.
  10. Name: (KSI A317 Shade-/-Defcon/Sabotage-/-CO) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...si-black-shade/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer, Member Assistance, Master Recruiter Reason-/-Evidence: (Trainer), I have successfully recruited 131 members into squads: Defcon, Apache and Foxtrot, divison CO. (Member Assistance), I have assisted to many members to count under squads: Defcon, Liberty, Hostile, Foxtrot and Apache divison CO. (Trainer), I have successfully trained 57 members under squad Defcon, divsion CO.
  11. Blasphomy is the presence of irreverant fallacy and fallacy vice versa.

  12. Co-founder Name/squad/divison- KSI Camel 7/Defcon/CO Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3476-ksi-camel-7/ Reasoning- Camel was there among the other numerous leaders whom oversaw the final dimensional cementations of my squad. His aid and advice helped me allong the way (with this being said, I was never truly and formally trained by a general, as the general of my squad at the time had been AWOL and as such it was Camel, Genocidez, Bubblez and Paratroop who were in a way forced to train my a$$. They did so with honor and I respect them for that; Defcon wouldn't be the same without me and because they made me, it wouldn't be the same without them either).
  13. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Paratroop 7-CO/Defcon Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...-㊋para-sensei㊋/ Reasoning why they deserve this – For this month, I retook Defcon to a perfection it has never seen in history. This was due to my own unending dedication to my squad, but it would not have been possible without the technical work of a higher few. Paratroop was one of the leaders whom gave and applied advice to me that without, I would have gotten only so far. His work should be recognized as that of the highest performing of any at his given rank and I am present proof of said accomplishment. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI BUBBLEZ 7-CO/Defcon Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...72-lorigrimes7/ Reasoning why they deserve this – For this month, same application, for the same reason as my CO-DIV, without her help, Defcon would still remain ‘’improved’’, but certainly not perfect; right now, it is. Her help, along with others, is the reason I am where I am, I believe her to be the strongest and most effectively efficient for her given rank. Major Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Xx Panic xX-CO/Defcon Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...8385-ksi-panic/ Reasoning why they deserve this – Josh has been under my wing for a few months now, but this month especially, he has taken grasp of what it truly means to be a Leader under KSI. Without his help and recruiting skills which I had instilled to him, I would have never obtained three of my now hard working Lieutenants. He introduced the ‘’MC Elite builders’’ to my squad under my supervision, created and has maintained his own SF team, is a valiant captain of my HH, an overzealous and charismatic role model upon my squad, but also the one man I may count on if I ever require someone to count on (Though rarely I do). I believe he far outperforms any and all at the given rank and deserves recognition for this as such. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI PewPew-CO/Defcon Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...716-ksi-pewpew/ Reasoning why the deserve this – Ah little PewPew... How beautifully annoying, yet outstanding you are. This kid has been through alot in the past few weeks and has spent little time in my squad, but i’ve had my eye on him for some time before his transfer. Charismatic, intelligent and above all, hardworking, he is truly the Captain I see in my eyes as worthy of recognition for his efforts. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Zallesx187-CO/Defcon Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...08-zallesx187x/ Reasoning why the deserve this – When he first arrived a few weeks back I had ordered KSI Xx Panic xX to take him among three others under his wing, for I foresaw his potential as soon as we had our first conversation. Since that time he has accomplished the rank of Lieutenant this month and has shown his ability to work through strong recruiting, this immediate completion of any and all assigned orders and the obedience and respect I look for in a future leader. I believe this LT to be most deserving of recognition for the month of October.
  14. Name/Gamertag: KSI A317 Shade Rank (If applicable): General of Defcon CO Time spend on the forums Daily: 1-2 hours (More may be applied if neccesary) Experience in KSI: Plenty. Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I will apply myself with open time, innovation and creative thought to the rewarding of outstanding behavior towards those whom deserve such recognition. I get my work done always. There's no question I could benefit the group if given the opportunity.
  15. Award: (Savior): For the successful protection/salvation of several (Subject to change) members on the basis of threats, moral disruption, ''quiting KSI'', or Squad/Divison failure. (The intial basis sounds loose, but it could be tightened up of course; note: the award would not apply to clan ops in game basis, i.e. saving someone from being killed, or yelled at, ect. Applys to actual threatening, corrupting, or destructive situations being dealt with by heroic, perservering, or dedicated acts. Award: (Purple heart): For taking a demoralizing hit to a(n) divison(s)/squad(s) and perservering successfully to a squad split/div split. (Would be suject to differentiation from ''resurrection'') Award: (Patriot): For outspokenly jingoistic charism towards KSI in all aspects. (Clan ops, Web ops, ect.) Award: (Cold-hearted): For the outspoken display of member: respect, disciplin, maturity, rank-effeciency and nerve. Award: (Man of Steel): For the perserverance through disruptive, destructive, abusive and harrassing behavior with mature, disciplined and unfaltered effeciency. Award (Blood brothers): (Dual award), awarded to pairs who nominate themselves as, without a reasonable doubt, bloodbrothers in operation and arms. (would have to be vouched by several other members in witness to this testimony) {Would need to list each individual's name as the award listing and as such note: will be a difficulty} Award: (Operator): For the successful earning of the rights onto a Special Forces team. (As vouched for by the team leader) Award: (Special Forces Commander): For the successful creation, enlisting of a roster onto, running, maintaining and completing of a Special Forces Operation team. Award: (Warloard): For the successful completion and victory of several successful, official Head Hunters/Special Forces challenges as overseen by a Co-Fo, or higher. Accomplished by the squad's acting General/Team leaders/Coaches. *These awards are suggestions obviously, are subject to change and improvement on idea, general description and achievability and may be subject to additional suggestions.*
  16. Name: (KSI Skillz 7-/--/-Royal Prophecy) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/662-skillz-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: I have witnessed this man train several members, as well as mentor many below him. As his witness, I have no doubt he is an excellent trainer and has in fact trained over 30 members in his time here.
  17. Name: (KSI A317 Shade-/-Defcon-/-CO) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5406-ksi-black-shade/ Award-/-Achievement: Head Hunter Reason-/-Evidence: (Head Hunter): I am a member of Squad Defcon, Division CO's Head Hunter team.
  18. Name: KSI A317 Shade-/-DEFCON-/-CO Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5406-ksi-black-shade/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer (For the succesful training of 30+ members) Reason-/-Evidence: I have trained 55 members under Defcon CO, I just never got around to applying for the award.
  19. As his General I have not quite yet seen a significant show of above and beyond behavior and performance. So far no.
  20. I vouch. Without your help, Defcon would have never seen me at its horizon of hope. Things have been Hell within Defcon, with complication after complication for several long month now. For you to recognize me as the officer to bring it through is nothing, but an honor. I do appreciatte your service as such and of course, this man deserves his rewards for the leadership his put in though his career and more specificly to Defcon.
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