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KSI Sprinks

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Posts posted by KSI Sprinks


    Making connections / Networking:

    This is critical to get the most out of your time in KSI as well as real life. There's an old saying that goes back decades "It's not about what you know, It's about who you know" now while this may sound malicious its truly not. Making and having connections with people is an essential key in making friendships, bonds, dealings etc and a network of people you can count on for a multitude of purposes and reasons is a strong card to have in your pocket for any purpose. Keep that in mind as with out connections, we dont have much. So dont be shy get out there and make some friends and memories!





    Moving forward with the ever changing gaming environment Discord is now mandatory across all of Clan ops. As new challenges and new opportunities arise we must always continue to grow and prosper and take advantage of functions that strengthen our community. Discord has been here for years and has only grown. It is essentially the main hub for majority of our community discussions,announcements, information etc which is why it will now be mandatory. Please make sure to check discord daily for any new KSI happenings and announcements. 




    Gone for a week? Need a few days away? Having a baby? Have a buddy that wants to join? Want to give being an officer a try? Going to bootcamp? Had a loss and need support or some time to grieve? Let someone know! We are always here for one another but cant be if we are all left in the dark! While we respect all privacy, help us help you by some simple forms of communication as we dont want anyone being left out!



    Keeping an eye out for new and exciting changes coming for Clan Ops:

    Ladies and Gents, We are so pumped to present some big changes coming to the community in the near future! Some things will come across as a shock but after many months of watching and analyzing trends, listening to feed back from hundreds of members, creatively thinking on how to adapt to new environments etc. We think we've finally got something that'll only cement KSI success even more. With that beingsaid keep an open eye and positive outlook for what's in store for the future of this great community!


    Department Announcements



    Here are the winners for the OTM:

    Senior Leader: KSI Slick 7
    Division Leader: KSI WIdmama7
    General: KSI Nezuko
    Captain: KSI Akame 77
    Lieutenant: KSI Sprinks
    Staff Sergeant: KSI Bullrock
    Sergeant: KSIYoshi656
    Member: KSI Gaymander
    Department head: KSixAsuama77
    Department member: KSI leviMOFB

    CALLING ALL LEADERS - it’s that time again DOTM. So make sure you show the members in your Divs and Dept the love that they deserve and have earned with their hard work, Noms will be open from the middle of the month #rules apply# and for the members who are looking to bag one of these prestigious awards we hope the hard work you are putting in gets you recognised. 

    Our very own Tea and the AAP have made a new award for member shout out on the KSI’s twitter it’s called Weekly member shout out. so if you have been mentioned or you will get mentioned in the future thenr the go and self nom for the brand new award. 

    Again! PLEASE NOTE for all members running workshops that if you don't tag the attendees in the multinom when nominating they may not be awarded. Multiple times per week we have members asking where their awards are and it is always the case that they was not tagged so they didn't receive their awards.

    We are also having a forums blitz for the 4th of July so be on the look out for that post on the discord and then comment on the topic on the forums to receive the award.

    The AAP are bringing even more changes to the awards system. Some of the old staff awards are being rotated in and out so while they're here- grab em! 

    Need a hand figuring out which awards you qualify for? Then check out the full list of awards today! Every award has a full description so you can know the requirements for each and every award. Also an AAP staff member is in your division, ask in the casual chat or tag 'department head'




    Hello KSI, I'd like to let everyone know that currently the Graphics department is seeking new members to join our endeavors. Graphics is a lot of fun and there are a lot of changes in progress. So if you wanna join the fun and believe you have what it takes feel free to sign up on the fourms. We are even willing to train you. Just takes 2 mins to put in a request. 


    If you have any questions please reach out to KSI Shway 7

    List of Staff


    Basic information:


    Please list your current Gamertag:  GRM Sprinks




    Please list ANY and ALL previous Gamertags:

    OG Sprinkls #929












    What games do you prefer to play on a regular basis?: Apex, Fortnite, Minecraft, UFC, Madden, and Warzone


    How many hours a week are you playing games?




    What is your preferred method of contact? Ex: Email/Discord

    Discord OG Sprinkles #7828

    NOTE - Please provide usernames. (No telephone numbers):




    In a few short sentences, please explain why you are looking to join  KSI:

    I’m looking for a community that is active and laid back. That wants to have fun.



    What Division and Squad are you interested in joining, and why?

    CS bc of preference 

    NOTE - You are free to state "Any" division if you have no preference:




    Background Information:




    How did you hear about KSI?:

    I’ve played with a few members back on black ops 2.


    How did you hear about the KSI website?

    Looked it up.


    Please list ANY and ALL clans/communities you have previously been a part of: GRM and KGN




    How long were you involved with each clan/community?:

    GRM was about a month

    KGN was for 2 weeks



    When did you leave each clan/community?:

    GRM unneeded drama with in the clan

    KGN not organized 



    Are you still a member of any of the clans or communities that you have listed above?:




    Have you ever been blacklisted or DNH’d from another community? No


    If so - when, and what was the reason?:




    Have you ever been kicked or removed from a division or squad of another community?


    If so - when, and what was the reason?:




    Have you ever been banned from another community?


    If so - when, and what was the reason?:




    Would you say you have left past clans or communities that you have listed above on bad terms? No






    Can you accept the fact that KSI is a structured organization, and requires the ability to work with over 100+ team-mates?




    Are you able to respect the leaders who have been put in place, while recognizing that those leaders come from all walks of life and may hold opposing beliefs and/or life choices, and stay level headed regarding such?




    Do you plan on taking advantage of any of the KSI learning programs?


    (Graphics - Leadership Development - Web Administration, ect..):




    Have you read and do you fully understand and also agree to uphold the KSI Code of Conduct along with the XBOX Live Terms of service?:



    Do you understand that purposely excluding relevant information while filling out this application is grounds for the denial of your entrance into KSI?




    Is there any other information that you feel should be included on your application?



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