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Everything posted by Deku

  1. Easter egg hunt for the kids, fill the eggs with candy for the young ones, small shot bottles for the adults, and money for the teens xD
  2. Gamertag - KSI KAOS Forums Name - @Surf spartan Link to Profile - Surf spartan - KSI Global (ksiforums.org) Award - Recruiting Certified & Basic Training Evidence - I hosted
  3. Name: KSI Deku Link to Forums Account: @Deku Award-/-Achievement: OTY Attendee 2023 Reason-/-Evidence: screenshot of twitch live can be sent on discord
  4. Well, considering this is the year my wedding is planned, I look forward to that, and being apart of KSI
  5. Hola! My first Christmas with my in laws, will always hold a special place in my heart
  6. Date of Lobby: 12/7/22 Host: KSI Deku Co-Host: KSI OGSM0KE Gamertag / Forums Name: HungryFatKidl KSI Apsect - KSI Global (ksiforums.org) KSI ChiefBoi KSI ChiefyBoiYT - KSI Global (ksiforums.org) KSI Chvrch 7 Church 7 - KSI Global (ksiforums.org) KSI DaKeech KSI DaKeech - KSI Global (ksiforums.org) Award: Basic training, Recruiting certified Evidence: Me and KSI OGSM0KE hosted them and can also refer to activity log if needed
  7. Gamertag: KSI Deku Link to Forums Account: @Deku Award: Three cheers, Support Group, Rising Star Reason/Evidence: I have got 32 awards on my forums account
  8. Name: KSI Deku Link to Forums Account: @Deku Award-/-Achievement: United we stand, 2022 Donor Reason-/-Evidence: can be sent via discord or message,
  9. Name: KSI Deku Link to Forums Account: @Deku Award-/-Achievement: Round of Applause, Halo Reason-/-Evidence: 24 awards on forums Award/Achievement: Server Booster Reason/evidence: Check Discord (KSI Deku/MysticFox#6925) boosted the server
  10. Gamertag: KSI Deku Link to Forums Account: @Deku Award: GamerScore Master, On point, Summertime scorcher, Reason/Evidence: I have 50000+ gamerscore, i have over 15 forums awards and I subbed to KSILive during augest, evidence can be sent via discord or message
  11. Gamertag: KSI Deku Link to Forums Account: @KSI Alchemy Award: Helping Hand Reason/Evidence: bought someone a gift card for a Xbox name change. Evidence sent to subzero.
  12. Gamertag: KSI Deku Link to Forums Account: @KSI Alchemy Award: Legen, Ripple effects, For Honor(supple), Pokémon (supple), forums newb and Fresh meat. Reason/Evidence: I have 10 awards, and check my forums profile
  13. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nyquil 7 Oblivion CS Link to forums account - @Nyquil Reasoning why the deserve this - Super positive Dude, always brings joy to whatever party Hes in. an absolute role model for any member
  14. Gamertag: KSI Deku Link to Forums Account: @KSI Alchemy Award: gamerscore rookie, Gamescore hoarder Reason/Evidence: I have 49,420 gamersocre sent evidence to KSI Subzero
  15. Gamertag: KSI Deku Link to Forums Account: @KSI Alchemy Award: achievement noob, achievement hunter Reason/Evidence: I have earned 1435 this month
  16. KH3 opening song, Face my Fears 10/10
  17. Gamertag/Forums name: GT: KSI Deku forums: KSI Alchemy Award: New member certified Evidence: KSI OGSMOKE hosted Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI OGSMOKE
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