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Spice last won the day on October 30 2022

Spice had the most liked content!

About Spice

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. LTGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Rage LT KRAKEN/ESLink to forums account - @KSIRage Reasoning why they deserve this - Always rising to the occasion and stepping up when he is needed and his continuation to constantly want to learn more have been a sight to see. He always helps out members and brings everyone closer together. Shining and showing his potential to hit GEN with how well he puts in the effort and works with his officers. He will be one hell of a leader one day and it will be great to watch the strides taken.

  3. Date: 10/05/22 Workshop: Advanced Training Award: Advanced Training Certified Evidence: I @KSI Spice hosted this workshop. Attendance: KSI MUROG @Alyssa Davis
  4. KSI Spice Halloween Spirit @KSI Spice Evidence: Sent to KSI VENUM 7
  5. Workshop: Basic Training Hosted By: KSI Spice Award: Basic Training 9/26/22 Attendance: @zLunacy VI @KSI Crystal
  6. Workshop: Recruiting Hosted By: KSI Spice Award: Recruiting Workshop 9/26/22 Attendance: @zLunacy VI @KSI Crystal
  7. Workshop: New Member Hosted By: KSI Spice Award: New Member Certified 9/26/22 Attendance: @zLunacy VI @KSI Crystal
  8. Ahhhh. Jewels. Where do I start. We are in the same division and in web ops together. How can I put into words that this individual is one of the sweetest and down to earth people I’ve ever had the pleasure of running into. Oh I think I just did it ^ lol. Jewels and I have grown closer in a short amount of time and I think one of the things that really did it for us was working together to recruit for our division, there was no “one is better than the other” or “I know more than you”. It was genuine team work in getting the recruits and helping each other remaster the art of recruiting since it had been so long for jewels but I also learned something while assisting her, and that was patience and kindness. Jewels has a very unique way of organization and I see it when she posts our stats in the web ops section for join mods. It’s always super precise and clean. I’m afraid if I don’t stop typing I can write a book about jewels on why she deserves this award. Always so hard working, kind, organized and a team player. Among many other things.
  9. Since the start of my journey in Web Ops as a join mod. It was a slow and difficult start for me. Star came in sweeping me off my feet (literally) and was so kind and patient with me in the questions I had, she made things more personal vs always strict and professional. She mentored me in becoming the join mod I am today and I have to say I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor. She is always checking up on me to make sure I’m doing alright and ALWAYS replies to any question that is asked. She is super knowledgeable and is not scared to share that with anyone. She always lends a helping hand wherever she can and imo she is going to make it very far in KSI in whatever she is in and any future things she decides to take up. Give this woman her award as she is highly deserving of it.
  10. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI KBIZZY45 KSI NEMESIS Award: Basic Training Any evidence if required: KSI Spice hosted the workshop Profile Link if possible @KSI KBIZZY @KSI NEMESIS5910 Gamertag / Forums Name KSI KBIZZY45 KSI NEMESIS Award: Recruiting Certified Any evidence if required: KSI Spice hosted the workshop Profile Link if possible @KSI KBIZZY @KSI NEMESIS5910
  11. Workshop: Basic Training Hosted by: KSI Spice Attendance: KSI COOKIE @CookieBreeeed Evidence: I hosted the workshop (KSI Spice)
  12. Workshop: Recruiting Hosted by: KSI Spice Attendance: Maxineh @Maxineh KSI Oni @KSI Oni KSI DEKU91 @KSI DEKU91 KSI LegitGal @Carmen KSI COOKIE @CookieBreeeed Evidence: I hosted Workshop (KSI Spice) Workshop: New Member Hosted by: KSI Spice Attendance: KSI COOKIE @CookieBreeeed Alphatron 7 @Alphatron Evidence: I hosted workshop (KSI Spice)
  13. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) KSI Sassy (CPT ES Cerberus)Link to forums account - @KSI Sassy Reasoning why they deserve this - Sassy literally made us dinner in her workshop - She is a busy person with her IRL stuff. But no matter what she makes time for her second family KSI. She can juggle taking care of her kids, make dinner and host a workshop all at once and not complain about it at all. She’s the definition of a great multitasker and someone I look up to cuz when it’s time to get down to business she gets down to business and I appreciate that.
  14. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Spice Award: New Member Certified Evidence: KSI Sassy hosted Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Sassy
  15. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Harley 7 (CPT - ES KRAKEN)Link to forums account - @KSI HARLEY 7Reasoning why they deserve this - They deserve this for going above and beyond in hosting workshops for anyone who needs them and always being super patient, helpful and knowledgeable about any questions one may have. They also make sure to always be inclusive of all members by keeping an open party on xbox so anyone can join them.
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