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KSI Moss

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About KSI Moss

  • Birthday 06/19/1872

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    On the rocks and in the trees
  • Gamertag
    KSI Moss
  • Date Recruited
    May 28, 2022
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  1. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI W1LDCAT (ES -CO FOUNDER) Link to forums account https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/52184-ksi-w1ldcat/ Reasoning why they deserve this - like most of my nominations I haven't known her long, but this person in particular is always online and willing to lend a hand whether it be in personal matters, games, or advancement in ksi. Despite her hectic work schedule it seems she is always online and tries to participate in everyone's game nights. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKing77 (captain -Hydra ES) Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16503-ksi-xking-77/ Reasoning why they deserve this - The dude has been in KSI longer than I can remember. I've known him for quite a few years and it seems like it's hard to get rid of him at times ;) the bottom line is he's a super friendly guy that is well known, encouraged me to return to KSI, goes out of his way to keep activity at 110% by including everyone in his game nights whether they be an old timer or a brand new rct. If someone is interested in promotions he's usually the first guy to give you what you need or answer any questions. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sassy (LT- HYDRA ES) Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/48747-ksi-sassy/ Reasoning why they deserve this -She is always giving it her all when it comes to KSI; recruiting, game nights, workshops, keeping activity up in Squad chats she's puts in alot of time into helping not only the Squad but our entire division thrive. Everytime I've had a question or needed a hand with something she is always willing to help. Like king and wi1dcat she seems to always be online and responds very quickly.
  2. Gamertag: KSI Moss Awards: self nomination New member certification Evidence: KSI Sassy Witness: attended KSI Sassy's workshop
  3. Codiv- KSI IVY 7 of LW http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33586-ksi-poison-ivy-7/ There's a lot to say about why she deserves this award but her most promising qualities is the time and effort she put into her division. She was the general of my squad before me and has helped me out with learning what needed to be done. She cares and makes time for every member of her div.she is a hard worker with great determination Founder KSI BEARDED 7 of LS http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31064-ksi-bearded-7/ . I haven't had whole lot of interaction with him but in the time that I have I've seen how he always keeps things on the light and positive side to keep his members happy. general KSIXHUNTRESZ Ares DL this one is a pretty big give away. I have known her since we were both cots moving up the ranks in our divs and now we are both gens. She is a good friend of mine and has offered me great advice on certain problems with my squad she is always willing to lend a hand on both video games and in KSI matters. She is respectful and puts a lot of hard work in not only building her squad up but also making sure they have fun. CPTS KSI LOTTA OF CRUELTY DM Lotta is always bringing people of all squads and divs together in a party or a game night to get to know one another. She is a hard worker and does nothing less than the best she can for KSI as a whole. LTS KSI RECLAIMER177 Achilles LW http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41095-ksi-nerf-this/ I have known reclaimed for a while and has have had the fortune of him being one of my officers and he falls nothing short of a hard worker that is always willing to lend a hand since I made him a Sgt he has done nothing but the best for his squad with recruiting, training, learning, or even helping others out on games. I see great potential in him and I know if he keeps it up he will be putting me out of a job so keep up the good work man! SSGTS KSI BELLATRIX She has been doing a great job since she has come into the division not only at trying to advance her position in KSI but as well as interacting and bringing people together. I believe she is a great asset to LW and can't wait to she what surprises she's got for us under her sleeve
  4. Founder: KSI xFATALITY 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16503-xfayfay7/ This guy has been a huge role model to LW and continues to stand up and do whatever he can to help his division. He has also been a mentor to myself and many others. No matter what his schedule is like he will set time aside to get with you and help you out with whatever you need. He's also one cool pug. Co fo: KSI IVY 7 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33586-ksi-ivy-7 sheis the heart of LW and my predecessor of Achilles GEN she has stood up to the plate and earned her place as a 7 she not only takes pride in her work buy she will assist other squads with training officers. She is a great friend who deserve this award. GENERAL Wrath DM Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/29747-ksi-lotta/ KSI LOTTA REASONS WHY THEY DESERVE THIS I haven't known her for long besides head hunters and such but she is a very active member in her squad. She not only sets up game nights but participates in them and her squad looks up to her. She has plenty of dedication for KSI without a doubt. ACHILLES CPT: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/34208-ksi-mskittypaws/ MS. Kitty paws. I believe she deserves this award because she has a big heart and gas major determine at ion through all the cap that happened with her squad she continued to stand strong and do everything she can to help it. She is active with game. ACHILLES Lts: KSI DRAGONS260 THE kid is hard working and has done a lot to not only better his squad but his division as a whole. I feel like he has a big role to play and see him going places in KSI. He has volunteered to host many meetings for me and has a whole lot of determination in his eyes
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