Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
like most of my nominations I haven't known her long, but this person in particular is always online and willing to lend a hand whether it be in personal matters, games, or advancement in ksi. Despite her hectic work schedule it seems she is always online and tries to participate in everyone's game nights.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKing77 (captain -Hydra ES)
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
The dude has been in KSI longer than I can remember. I've known him for quite a few years and it seems like it's hard to get rid of him at times ;) the bottom line is he's a super friendly guy that is well known, encouraged me to return to KSI, goes out of his way to keep activity at 110% by including everyone in his game nights whether they be an old timer or a brand new rct. If someone is interested in promotions he's usually the first guy to give you what you need or answer any questions.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
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Reasoning why they deserve this -She is always giving it her all when it comes to KSI; recruiting, game nights, workshops, keeping activity up in Squad chats she's puts in alot of time into helping not only the Squad but our entire division thrive. Everytime I've had a question or needed a hand with something she is always willing to help. Like king and wi1dcat she seems to always be online and responds very quickly.