Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI W1ldCat7 (co-founder, ES, Hydra)
Link to forums account -https:///profile/52184-ksi-w1ldcat/
Reasoning why they deserve this -
I feel like wildcat desrves this award because she works her ass off and gets things done and she is always there to help she also creates a positive vibe in the community
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKing 77 (General, ES, Hydra)
Link to forums account - https:///profile/16503-ksi-xking-77/
Reasoning why the deserve this -
King is a great mentor and was there for me all the way to my SSGT promotion I feel like he creates a positive vibe with the div and the officers and works hard to make sure everything gets done
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shootah (Captain, ES, Hydra)
Link to forums account - https:///profile/52564-ksi-shootah/
why they deserve this -
Shootah creates a positive vibe and always makes sure the officers are on task and doing their duties while attending his own and I feel like he deserves this award