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Everything posted by KSI DRIFTISH

  1. A giant ass cookup (what people bring is a surprise) usually between 30–50 people, then two rounds of egg hunting. First round is for the children (candy and a something like one dollar bills. Hidden by the adults of course) and the second round is for the adults (money, gift cards, coupons. Hidden by the children)
  2. This year I wish to get a job, a car, and a life.
  3. Division: WD Rep Gt: KSI Driftish Rep discord: DriftedSnail7#5547
  4. Team Captain: KSI Driftish Division: WD Gamertag: KSIKillerCrock Division: WD Gamertag: TEXASxTOCO Division: WD Gamertag: KSI BigMack92 Division:WD Alt KSIxFryed420 Division WD Team capt discord: DriftedSnail7#5547
  5. Gamertag/Forums name: @DriftedSnail7 Award: New members workshop Evidence: WD activity log Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSIChewbacca
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