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KSI Holy

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KSI Holy last won the day on June 29 2022

KSI Holy had the most liked content!


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    KSI Holy
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KSI Holy's Achievements


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  1. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Spoon#1248 Award: Basic Training Workshop Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): KSI Holy lead the workshop Profile Link if possible @Ksi Spoon Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Spoon Award Recruiting Workshop Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) KSI Holy Profile Link if possible @Ksi Spoon
  2. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Spoon#1248 @Ksi Spoon Award: New Member workshop Evidence: KSI Holy Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Holy
  3. Gamertag / Forums Name: KSI Spoon#1248 Award: Basic Training Workshop Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): KSI Holy lead the workshop Profile Link if possible @Ksi Spoon
  4. Workshop: Basic Training HOSTED : KSI Holy Date 8/5/22 attendance: KSI JaxyBoi @FuR God69 KSI Drifted @DriftedSnail7
  5. KSI Yodaa Award: Basic Training Workshop Any evidence if required - KSI Holy ran it. Profile Link if possible @Yodaa
  6. Gamertag: KSI JaxyBoi Forums name: @FuR God69 Award: New Member Certified Evidence: KSI Holy took him through it.
  7. KSI Sinner Award: Basic Training Workshop Any evidence: KSI Holy Profile Link if possible @ksisinner
  8. KSI Yødaa Award: Basic Training Workshop Any evidence: KSI Holy Profile Link if possible @Yødaa
  9. Co-Founder Gamertag (CoFounder - WD/VANQUISH) - KSI ATH3NA 7 Link to forums account - @KSI ATH3NA 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - I think Ath3na deserves this award because she has put hard work into KSI, she also goes into others party’s to check up on them and to see how everyone is. She is an amazing person and I hope to see her get this. General Gamertag (Gen - WD / VANQUISH) - KSI Hatter77 Link to forums account - @Hatter 77 Reasoning why the deserve this - I think Hatter deserves this award because all the time I have know her, she tries her hardest to get work done. She also helps any members with any problems that occur. She’s helped me learn things that will only make me better so thank you so much Hatter, we love you! Captain Gamertag (CPT - WD / VANQUISH) - KSI NoBe Link to forums account - @KSI NoBe Reasoning why they deserve this - The reasoning behind my choice of why he should be nominated to win is because of many different things, he has been there since I joined KSI. He was a person I could trust with any questions, or advice. I’ve always thought of him as my mentor because, He has been an amazing leader whether it’s taking me through any workshops to mock recruits and co hosting gamenights, he has been there and always will. I hope for him to keep moving up in the ranks. I hope I will become such a great leader as he shows to be. I love you NoBe and thank you for everything! LT Gamertag (LT - WD/VANQUISH) -KSI Baxsaa Link to forums account - @Baxsaa Reasoning why they deserve this - I think KSI Baxsaa should get this award because he always tries to help out. Whether he is in school or out of it he always asks “What can I do to help?” He is always there when P.O’s need him. Just recently he helped out KSIPoisonNyx get her recruits. He also helps host workshops for members. I think he has been working his butt off and deserves this. Good job Baxsaa and keep it up! SSGTGamertag (SSGT- WD/VANQUISH ) - KSI MintLink to forums account - @KSI MintReasoning why they deserve this - I think he deserve this reward because even with work going on he tries his hardest to get work shops done, he tries to get gamenights scheduled. Thats why I think he deserves it because he will always make room for KSI. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) KSI Star5528 ( Forums Moderator - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - @KSI Star5528 Reasoning why they deserve this - I think she deserves this award because, she has a great working ability. She always works to achieve the highest thing she can accomplish. She always tries to strive to become the best. Even though she has to do hard work she does it all with a great mood and passion to get it done. That’s why she deserves this award.
  10. Gamertag/Forums name: Shadow#3499, @Shadow3449 Award: New member workshop Evidence: WD activity log Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSIChewbacca
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