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About OGSM0KE619

  • Birthday 07/04/1998

Profile Information

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    Sunny San Diego Me Boy.
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OGSM0KE619's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Gamer tag: KSI DallasOG award: Recruiting, Basic Training, Adv Recruiting workshops Evidence: I hosted them @OGSM0KE619 profile link: @KSI DallasOG
  2. Name: KSI OGSM0KE Link to Forums Account: @OGSM0KE619 Award-/-Achievement: ThankfulForYou, Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: Subscribed in November during turkeybowl. (Twitch: OHZERODIGI) helped: KSI Emprish- COD .
  3. Gamertag: KSI OGSM0KE Link to Forums Account: @OGSM0KE619 Award: Gamerscore hoarder Reason/Evidence: I have got 20,201 gamer score evidence sent to KSI Sub 7
  4. Gamertag: KSI OGSM0KE Link to Forums Account: @OGSM0KE619 Award: Round of Applause, Madden, Rising Star Reason/Evidence: I have got 20 awards on my account and I also have 508 views on my forums account too
  5. Gamertag: KSI OGSM0KE Link to Forums Account: @OGSM0KE619 Award: Ripple effect, On point, All hail the pickle king, Pull the lever crunk Reason/Evidence: I have got 16 awards on my forums account
  6. Team Captain: KSI SubZero Division: CS Gamertag: KSI Meatloaf Division: CS Gamertag: KSI OGSM0KE Division: CS Gamertag: KSI Deku Division: CS Team Captain's Discord: KSI Subzero#2012
  7. Gamertag: KSI OGSM0KE Link to Forums Account: @OGSM0KE619 Award: Fresh meat, legen, Ripple effect, For honor, Insomnia Reason/Evidence: I have got 12 awards on my forums account and I also have 415 view on my profile too
  8. Date: 08/30/22 Workshop: CAPS Workshop Award: CAPS Certified Evidence: I @OGSM0KE619hosted the workshop. Attendance: KSI Togax @KSI Togax KSI Deku @Deku KSI ODINN 7 @KSI ODINN 7 KSI Swanny @KSI Swanny
  9. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI xCULTx @KSI xCultx Award Forums Certified, Adv Training, Rank Structure Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) : I Hosted Them @OGSM0KE619 Profile Link if possible @KSI xCultx
  10. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Deku and KSI Honey Award: Advanced Training, Forums Certified, Rank Structure Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) : I Hosted Them. @OGSM0KE619 Profiles: @KSI Honey@KSI Alchemy
  11. Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI xCultx Award: Basic Training , Rank Structure, Recruiting Workshops Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) : I hosted them @OGSM0KE619 Profile Link if possible @OGSM0KE619 @KSI xCultx
  12. Gamertag: KSI xCULTx Profile @KSI xCultx Award: New Member Ceritfied Evidence: I hosted workshop
  13. GeneralGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI NYQUIL 7 / Gen - OBLIVION CSLink to forums account - @NyquilReasoning why they deserve this - sleepy spends majority of his time helping his squad and divison, despite his responsibilities in real life, he is still around and doing more than necessary to ensure his squad and division health even at the cost of his own sleep and focus. He never slips up and is always on point and time with everything he needs to do.
  14. Gamertag / Forums Name : @KSI Alchemy GT: KSI Deku Award: New Member Certified, Recruiting Certified, Basic Training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) : I hosted it @OGSM0KE619 Profile Link if possible @KSI Alchemy
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