Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sassy GEN @KSI Sassy
For these past few days I've seen her completely go above and beyond the expectations of her job and surpass her peers with absolutely flying colors, she is the embodiment of what ksi as a whole has to offer to our young eagered members and could utilize her as a influential leader
Gamertag ( rank-division/squad )- KSI WldMama7 @KSI WldMama7
As a upcoming leader you've been a absolute mentor and help guide me towards a goal and how to take small victory/achievement and turn those to bigger goals that were obtainable. You've been their helping members when they are absolutely down in the dumps and haven't caught a break, not only have you guided them towards a brighter path, you've shown them compassion and emphasize with them so they have a figure to relate to as well as have a fantastic leader engage with them in a healthy environment, I believe you are the lead example of what is means to carry KSI core values and leadership traits