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KSI Bubb1es

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Bub1es
  • Squad
    Nuclear LS
  • Rank/Title
    Nuclear LS SGT

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  1. Co-Founder: KSI Anatomy 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - LS Co-Founder Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2435-ksi-anatomy-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This month alone Anatomy has done so so much for LS it isnt even funny. He has assited squads such as my own squad, Crusades and Wrath, Memories, and Nuclear from being cut for the squads of LS. He has done the most recruting of anyone in LS and probably KSI. He has provided the Generals below him with a role to look up to. He has handled losing 3 Generals and managed to lead them all and still leads 1 of them (Keep in mind he is doing this for ANY squad in trouble, not just his or not just the ones on Halo, but any that need assatince. Anatomy also had to deal with the fact that he was the only active Co-Founder in LS to later last month. He is by far the best Co-Founder possible for LS. He couldnt have done anymore for KSI in providing quality recruites and leadership to look up to, not awarding Anatomy would be robbing him of his great great work for LS. Top Recrutier of the Month: KSI Anatomy 7 Anatomy this month as a recruite count of 40 members for Memories, Nuclear, Anarchy, Crusades and Wrath, and Annihalate for this month alone
  2. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Anatomy 7 LS Co-Founder Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/2435-ksi-anatomy-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Anatomy has created the This Week in Last Strike topic and it is a bright idea. This may not be a widely used idea, but with its intentions it easily could be used in other divisions. He is giving out a detailed news letter on the things going on in LS and can be turned into an asset in any division. http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/topic/8875-this-week-in-last-strike/ Here is the link just please look it over and you will see that it is a bright idea.
  3. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Bubb1es Crusades 1LT Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5249-ksi-bubb1es/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Trainer Member Assistance Commited Forge Team Snipers Team Grifball Team Mad Max Die Hard Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) Trainer: I have been in KSI for almost 2 years now and I have trained well over 50 members in KSI and I can get KSI Anatomy 7 (My Co-Founder and member with me through everything I have been through) and KSI DoubleJ 7 (Co-Founder at the time most of the things I am going to ask for) Member Assistance: I have helped out many many people in LS, be it in Magnum Fallen Nuclear Memories or Crusades and I can get KSI Nightlock (General of Memories) KSI Anatomy 7 (Co-Founder) and KSI DoubleJ 7 (Div leader) to witness to this. Commited: I have been in KSI since 1/29/11 and KSI Anatomy 7 to witness, he is the one who recruited me, but if I need more I can just get some others. Forge Team: Back in Fallen LS I was apart of KSI RsAnTaTkLeE's Forge Team and KSI Anatomy and KSI DoubleJ 7 can witness, but not very many people can witness to this since it was almost 1/2 a year ago. Snipers Team: Back in Fallen I was also apart of KSI Anatomy's Snipers Team and can get him to witness for it. Grifball Team: Recently in Nuclear LS I was apart of KSI ESM's team and I can get him to witness for it or anyone else that I have said before. Mad Max: This award describes me. I am not afraid to voice my opinion and it can led to some yelling and anger issues and if you ask anyone you don't want to see Bubbles when he is pissed off. Just ask Anatomy, DoubleJ, Nightlock, Swagger, ESM, anyone else in LS. I like to rage and I can have these witnesses add examples to my anger with KSI members and the Poop that they pull. Die Hard: I don't really know if I am entitles to this one but I thought I might as well try it out. So like with Anatomy (or KSI Colby 1477 at the time) we were in Magnum LS and you probably already know the story with that but that got me into some major trouble and got me rank suspended. Then I followed Colby to LE and got in even more trouble over there and dodged the bullet, much like Colby did and was just send back to LS with a warning and a good scream at by Chaos. Then we went to Fallen LS and there I sat at a SGT because unlike Colby I suffered a rank suspension that was for 2 months there. So now I am stuck with 2 rank suspensions and a good screaming at by Chaos. I finally got my Poop together and made it to a LT. Sat there for awhile then was transferred over to Nuclear LS and said some choice words at NeonKush (General at the time) and Nuggitz (Co-Founder at the time) and suffered my largest rank suspension but then Nuclear kind of forgot about me so I figured I was still on my rank suspension so I sat through that for a year 1/2 and was finally recognized by DoubleJ and Anatomy that Hey maybe I would make a good leader. So I have been through 3 rank suspension, one lasting for quiet sometime, on the brink of a blacklisting and a huge war with Chaos. I read the request by Anatomy and I basically went through what he did and then some. I do want to say that the only reason KSI Anatomy 7 and KSI DoubleJ 7 are my biggest witnesses is because they are the only two who have been in LS long enough and still here to witness for me, any questions just ask and I will get my witnesses as soon as possible. Thank you
  4. I can witness that Anatomy was rank suspended because I was his recruit back in Magnum and I was with him to see him get rank suspended in Magnum, Fallen and in Nuclear but when he and Ranger went over to LE and left me in Fallen, I was in the party when Chaos was yelling at the two and it had led Ranger to get DNH'ed and Ranger had taken a bullet for him by saying it wasnt Colby's fault for going over to LE illegally so Colby was sent to Fallen with a huge rank suspension for transfering illegally, if Ranger wouldnt have taken that bullet Colby for sure would have been DNH'ed from LE and possibly more. And I think if you talk to Chaos about this about the LE things with KSI Ranger 178 and KSI Colby 1477 I am sure he will tell you much the same thing.
  5. Welcome to the forums KSI nochoess :)

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