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  • Birthday 08/20/1974

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  1. Department:GRAPHICS Gamertag:KSI SHWAY Link to Profile; @KSI Shway Qualifications: Nominee’s Current Rank:GRAPHIC MENTOR Has Nominee been in this department for at least six (6) months?YES Has Nominee been in KSI for at least one (1) year? YES AS FAR AS I KNOW Awards: Testimony: Why does this member belong in your Department’s Hall of Fame? Please explain.SHWAY BELONGS IN THE DEPARTMENT HALL OF FAME BECAUSE HES BEEN AROUND FOREVER ALSO HES A GREAT MENTOR FOR THE NEW ARTIST I PERSONALLY WAS HIS STUDENT AT ONE TIME HE HAS A GIFT AND IS VERY GOOD AT WHAT HE DOES
  2. Gamer tag KSI g00se @KSI grey g00seAwards basic training and recruiting workshop Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) @KSI BIKRQEEN hosted Profile Link if possible
  4. Where do I start when it comes to VENUM not only is he a great guy who would bend over backwards for you to teach you everything you need to know about clan ops.he also great with (real life situations) as a SSGT he became my Mentor from that day he’s done nothing but teach me what it truly means to be a officer in this fine community. the first thing he said was have fun play your games be with the members and just enjoy it and iv tried to uphold his wise words with in the 3 months of him being my mentor iv claimed the ranks and am now Gen he’s also Taught me to be firm but fair with my officers I believe Venom Does deserves to be in the ES Hall of Fame I know without his wisdom he’s so Graciously Bestowed on me I wouldn’t be the officer I am today or maybe even a officer at all because HES KIND OF A BIG DEAL thank you for your time BIKRQEEN
  5. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI VENUM 7 CAO ES Link to forums account - @The ChadMin Reasoning why they deserve this - VENUM is one of the guy that just makes it known that he’s here to help with whatever you need even if its to vent for 5 min or cry if you need to he’s always been available he has a lot of great advice and Knowledge if you need Answers he’s your man he’s also a great mentor in clan and web ops he’s very truthful even if you don’t want to hear the truth i personally think he’s a BIG DEAL but he will never tell you that himself THANKS FOR BEING YOU Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Gambit 7 ES Link to forums account - @KSI Gambit 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - gambit is one of them guys that you can’t help but like he’s there to help and has done so much for ES and turned it around if you have questions go ask him he can also be a funny goofy dude witch is nice not all Business all the time witch is great for the upper leaders to be so with that being said id like to thank you gambit and please STAY FROSTY Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Chant 7 ES Link to forums account - @KSI Chant 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - this guy right here can be a major pain in my back side but has the biggest heart around he wants nothing but to see you succeed in your goals and will do all in his power to do so dont tell him i said this ill deny it thank you chant for being a pain General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Eyonia 7 ES Link to forums account - @KSI Eyonia 7 Reasoning why the deserve this -EO is what i call her and let me tell ya from day one i knew i liked this chic she’s truthful with ya and the girl has skill when it comes to running a squad being a newer gen myself it helps a lot to have a person to bounce stuff off of girl i just want you to know your fabulous thanks for all you do Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Shootah ES Link to forums account - @KSI Shootah Reasoning why they deserve this -Shootah is one of them guy that will do whatever is asked hes doing great with his rocket league and apex stuff hes got going over here in ES he give 100% to KSI so for this i thank you LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Inked ES Link to forums account - @KSI Inked 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - i know its hard coming in to a squad that you don’t know but she’s doing well with the members trying to get to know them and they’re having a great time with her so thank you for all you do SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Swanny ES Link to forums account - @KSI Swanny Reasoning why they deserve this - Swanny is one of them guys that u feel like you have known forever hes really stepped up here the last month and going all out taking over tasks that need to be completed every week thanks for all you do SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI DeputyOg ES Link to forums account - @KSI DeputyOg Reasoning why they deserve this -this guy is one of the funniest Guys I know he is constantly bringing in recruits and will make a great officer one day thanks for all you do Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS)
  6. amertag / Forums Name ksi elfeyes @OgreSoul719 Award RECRUTING WORK SHOP Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) HOSTED BY ME Profile Link if possible =
  7. Gamertag KSI BlkJesus @Black Jesus Award recruiting workshop basic training Any evidence if required Profile Link if possible I gave this workshop
  8. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSI VENUM 7 @The ChadMin Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - This man right here i cant say enough about him he’s always there when questions need answers he’s always has great advice even if it’s something you don’t want to hear he tells ya anyway (because he’s kind of a big deal) Venum is an all around great person and one of the best Mentors around hand down jCo-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSI Gambit 7this guy OMG from being the COFO the divlead and the general all at 1 time had to be a headache but he never complained this guy is amazing for all he’s doing in KSI one day I hope to be as good as him General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSIMommaBear Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - where do I start with this lady right here she’s one of the hardest working lady’s I know not only working her buns off she works just as hard for KSI she has inspired me to move myself up the ladder and makes me think outside the box Captain- Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - @KSI Chanting this guy (cinna bun) he’s been working his buns off to get the squad running back to its full potential there’s a lot to be learned with chanting LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - the one the only @KSI Shootahthis guy has hit the ground running always willing to learn new things and the stuff he’s done with rocket league is very impressive SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - @KSI Swannyis showing great strides in is roll a SSGT really getting in there to know the members this guy can do anything he sets his mind 2 SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - @KSI BorgataI’m truly impressed by this SGT after coming back from over seas he jumped right back in he will be a great addition to the staff if he ever decides that’s what he wants to do so
  9. Hosted by: KSIEZCHOCLAT Award: Recruiting Workshop Attendance: @KSI HARLEY 7 @KSI KobalOkami @KSI Sparrow @s4v4g3ghost17 @I Am 1ScaryS0B Evidence: @KSIEZCHOCLAT hosted it
  10. Name: Link to Forums Account: @KSI BIKRMOMA Award-/-Achievement: oty attendee Reason-/-Evidence: sent pic to MercX
  11. Host: KSI BIKRMOMA Date: 01/20/22 Workshop: advanced training forums rank structure Attendance: @KSI Swanny Proof I gave the workshops
  12. Host: KSI BIKRMOMA Date: 01/18/22 Workshop: Recruiting Training, Attendee @KSI DemiWolf Proof I hosted it
  13. Host: KSI BIKRMOMA Date: 01/09/22 Workshop: Recruiting Workshop Attendance: @KSI BlueBall Evidence: I hosted the workshop
  14. Host: KSI BIKRMOMA Advance training Communication and problem solving leadership aspects SSGT Certification Attendee @KSI Shootah evidence: I hosted it
  15. Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors):I’m not even sure where to start with this guy right here he’s been one of the most friendly people I have met always makes me feel like I belong I’d love to know everything this guy does( if you didn’t know he’s kind of a big deal) I’m proud to call him my Mentor I’m not a big sugar coat person and I believe he would tell me right out if I was doing something wrong but he would also let me know how to make it right and that’s why I’m nominating Mr.VENUM 7(AKA) @The ChadMin I just want to say thank you Co-Founder:I would like to nominate @KSI Gambit 7this guy right here is why I’m in KSI when I got the message after a 2/20 game in COD that said good game I had to see what he was on because that wasn’t a good game he was very nice asked if I had fun why I played of course I did I only play for fun.I wasn’t sure at first if I wanted to join. loved that he didn’t push when I wasn’t sure I wanted to join he continued to invite me to games and Introduced me to other members I knew this was the place for me when he kept inviting when I wasn’t a member so I want to say thank you gambit for not pushing when I pulled and always being a great leader and a ear if I needed one thank you General: @KSIMommaBear is who I’m nominating for Gen of the year iv never met someone so passionate about a job you don’t get paid for but she still puts in 110% all the time she’s very kind to everyone but can still get a point across without being hatful we have actually become KSI sisters In are own little way I told her I wasn’t going to be a officer at all and she told me that was fine if that’s what I wanted but in her Opinion I would be a great one and here I am a LT that little bug in my ear got me thinking of ways I could help her out because she works so had at making HYDRA run this is one of the many reasons she should be Gen of the year thank you for all you do xoxo Captain: I’m nominating @Bane 7captain of the year bane can always keep a party going with his Corky since of humor he’s the kind of young man you just know your going to laugh with he’s also someone I can go to if I need something answered he’s very nolagble he’s a all around great guy I’m glad to be apart of his team so thank bane Lieutenant: @KSIEZCHOCLATnever seen someone who works so may hours at his paying job to come home and host a late night game nite even when he wants to go to bed he’s always in the chat pumping people up checking on all of us seeing if we need help with anything I can see him going as far as he wants in KSI career thanks for all you do we love you SSGT: I’d like to nominate @KSI Vokunas SSGT of the year because he’s an amazing person very kind to everyone even when the people are being toxic always up for doing game nights or when your doing the game night he takes the time to help with taking attendance fill out the format and send it to ya he will volunteer to help out on anything you need done thank you for being you peace out Boy Scout
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