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KSI Sanji

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KSI Sanji last won the day on October 30 2021

KSI Sanji had the most liked content!


About KSI Sanji

  • Birthday 12/31/2000

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    KSI Sanji
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KSI Sanji's Achievements


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  1. Gamertag: KSI Sanji Forums Link: @KSI Sanji Award(s): Achievement Noob, Achievement Hunter, Achievement Fanatic Evidence: 2120 Gamerscore
  2. Gamertag - KSI Sanji Award Desired/Needed: New Member certified Evidence (If Required - For this certification there is none): Completed New Member Training Workshop, Hosted by @KSI Tripped Link to Forums Account: @KSI Sanji
  3. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DC 77 [Chief of Knowledge] Link to forums account - @KSI DC 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe DC is well deserving of this months Senior Leader OTM, due to knowledge and involvement he has had with members this past month, from what I have noticed. DC has a hosted a very well informative workshop within WD this month, leaving Offiers and Members who have attended with new acquired knowledge, as well as involving us into better expressing our knowledge and opinion. Learning more about eachother and the influence we believe leaders have. DC is well informed, hence the CoK lol, but doesn't turn his back on members wishing to learn more or involve themselves more. He is a great leader and a great example an officer looks up to to improve their knowledge within the community. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ATH3NA 7 [SL - CoFounder] Link to forums account - @KSI ATH3NA 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - I've only encountered her once due to our different divisions. The reasoning I would like to nominate her is given the Gamenight I have attended with her attendance, I have noticed how welcoming and enthusiastic she is towards new members, whether from her own division or another. She seems to always be open in meeting new individuals and always offers others a chance to shine. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI N8iv 406 [GEN - WD/Vanquish] Link to forums account - @KSI N8iV 406 Reasoning why the deserve this - Just like the nominee above, I would like to nominate N8iv due to his welcoming demeanor. I have noticed him to be often active, interacting with many WD members, no matter the rank, new or old. He is always welcoming and always make others feel involved and invited. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LEGION [CPT - WD/Vanquish] Link to forums account - @KSI LEGION Reasoning why they deserve this - LEGION is a kindhearted individual who always goes above and beyond to make fellow members feel involved, welcomed and invited. Whenever I join his party, there is always a positive atmosphere. LEGION has personally bought me a game that the party was playing so I can join them. Though the game was on special, the deed itself shouldn't go unnotice as the principle behind just shows the lengths he would go to make members feel involved and doesn't miss the opportunity to give them the chance to meet and game with new members. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Tripped [LT - WD/Samurai] Link to forums account - @KSI Tripped Reasoning why they deserve this - I believe Tripped best suits the description of a OTM member due to his overachieving work ethic. Tripped is a hardworking individual who has stood out the most within my time here in Samurai. He is outgoing and has put much time and effort into this squad to help turn it around and revitalize it. Tripped has been involved with new members and POs going above and beyond the task of an officer and not shying away by stepping up to the plate when needed. Tripped has been increasing his activity and has been a vital pillar to our squad. I cannot wait to see him grow within the community. He has hosted many gamenights and workshops to ensure members have a chance to be involved and aid several POs with their requirements. Tripped has stepped up so much, and I feel as though the growth of the squad has especially been due to Tripped's efforts. Thanks again for the time you put within the squad, it will never go unnoticed! SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xLycan [SGT - WD/Samurai] Link to forums account - @KSI xLycan Reasoning why they deserve this - Due to xLycan's previous trail within KSI, moving up to the rank of General, Lycan's knowledge never seeses to amaze and aid fellow members. xLycan has been involved and active within Squad activites, and has been much help in aiding and mentoring fellow members/POs who are seeking his knowledge and help. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS)Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Food 7 [Head of Information]Link to forums account - @Food 7Reasoning why they deserve this - Food 7 has been really open to new ideas and never pushes any ideas away. He is very welcoming to new ideas and isn't afraid to involve himself into the development of the idea that was brought up. He is very knowledgeable and a great leader, who enjoys involving himself as well as supporting ideas that aren't his own, as long as it's for the benefit of the community. He has aided me with one of our current projects. I can't wait to work alongside him with more projects that can benefit KSI as a whole, as well as adapting our work for all members to benefit from. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kakashii 77 [Design Artist - Chief Technology Officer] Link to forums account - @Kakashii 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Kakashii has much dedication and involvement within the Graphics Department and never seems to amaze members with his talents as a GFX artist. Kakashii has always gone above and beyond within whatever task has been placed within his hands. No matter if it's Department, Clan Ops or Web Ops related, Kakashii is always dependable and key pillar that holds KSI together.
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