KSI ATH3NA 7 Link- @KSI ATH3NA 7Reasoning - Since the moment she jumped into her role as acting Gen of Templar, she's worked hard to ensure the officers of the squad have what they need. She always puts KSI first, sometimes getting little to no sleep to ensure her people are taken care of.
KSI Hero 7
Link- @KSI Hero 7
Reasoning- Hero dose whatever is needed for his squad. He is extremely organized, and helps the officers below him achieve thier goals.
Link- @KSISparky Fly
Reasoning- Sparky dose whatever is needed of him to help the squad. From co-hosting ever6 game night he can to help the officers above him. To spending hours recruiting to help the squad grow. He is always online playing with squad members and helping them with Amy issues they may have.