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KSI Flamingo

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Everything posted by KSI Flamingo

  1. Host KSIxFlamingo Rank Structure workshop Attendence @KSI BadBoots @KSIxxr3b3l Date: Dec 7, 2021 Evidence: I hosted it
  2. Date: 11/10/21 Host: KSIxFlamingi Award: Recruiting Certified Attendance: KSI Celebi @KSI Celebi KSI Harmony @KSI Harmony KSI Moneytree @MoneytreeKSI Evidence: I hosted the workshop
  3. Date: 10/26/2022 Host: KSI Flamingo Award: Recruiting Workshop Attendance: @KSI MCLUVIN @KSI xLycan Evidence: I hosted workshop
  4. I can agree. KSI Tripped mentored me.
  5. Gamertag: KSI Flamingo#553 Forums Profile: KSI Flamingo Award: New Member Certified Evidence: KSI Boootz Did the workshop with me.
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