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  • Birthday 12/18/2001

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    Wicked Distraction
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  1. Tomdog has brought me several games suvh as Gold Rush , Ark genius 2, and gold bars on red dead redemption.
  2. Advanced training 6/14/22 Host-KSIMustang44 Time:8:30pm -9:16pm Attdances:KSI Myddral @KSI Myddral KSI Tubular @KSI Tubular I hosted it
  3. Workshop 7/01/2022 Workshop:New Member Time:5:30pm -7:00pm Attdance: KSI Myddral @KSI Myddral KSI Viper @KSI Viper KSI Oni @KSI Oni KSI SubZero KSI Sassy
  4. Workshop 5/19/2022 Basic training Attdances: KSI 1ScaryS0B KSI Myddral @KSI Myddral KSI Pixel @Deekthefreek KSI kinSLAYER @KSIkinSLAYER KSI Swanny @KSI Swanny Evidence I HOSTED it.
  5. WORKSHOP HOSTED Recruiting workshop Award Recruiting Certificate Attdances: KSI Myddral @KSI Myddral KSI PIXEL @Deekthefreek KSI Spparun @ShadwTerror KSI MUSTANG44 HOSTED IT
  6. General - KSI Jewels why she deserve this. She is always there when you need help . She always willing to teach there are so many thing i could say about this just scratches th surface. @KSI Jewels Captain- KSI Karma why he deserve this . No matter his life problem he always manages to helps in ways that make everything feel like home and in the most hopeful why as possible @KSI Karma
  7. NoCEO - KSI xKing77 @KSI xKing 77This younger man I cant say enough things about him he there if you need even through his own tough times he is the always willing to help and is such a good listener even if its not about ksi he there. Cofo- Gambit 7 @KSI Gambit 7This yong man has done a lot and has been one of my bigest motivations he push you and tells you stuff that is true and so honest . Yes what he says sometime hurts but he does to help you realize what you need to do and he is so kind to everyone. Captain_ KSI Nagisa @KSI Nagisa This young man is a teooper even through his own issue he finds a why to push through it all. Nagi has been my mentor since i been in KSI he has pushed me and gave me confidence when i had know . He knew that i could do it . He is one of the biggest reasons i stand where i stand today. SSGT_ KSI chanting @KSI Chanting THIS YOUNG MAN i have only know fow a little bit but he as give me adivce to help better my career as an officer. He has become a good friend of my . He always as anwers to my many questions but i have learn a lot from him.
  8. KSI NAGISA is my mentor he has shown me the ropes and abd all of my fity thousand questions through everything . He is all ways the when you needs someone to just losten and he always there when you need advice. But he is one of the best teachs i know. @KSI Nagisa
  9. I notated KSI Nagisa (LT) because he is always there when anyone needs him never give up at the task at hand . He is very helpful and when you just need some to to talk to he is there to listen . When the going get tough he Persevere through everything . He also knows when its time to step back a take a break but even there he is still the to lend a hand to help .
  10. KsiHorseride Forums certification Self nomination Ksi zillah
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