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  1. Upvote
    RenegadeJacks got a reaction from KSI Stack in (H/BL)Renegade rejoin application (Recruited into CS)(Closed)   
    Basic Information:
    Nathanial Jacks
    Please list your current Gamertag:  Renegade#4786
    Please list ANY and ALL previous Gamertags: KSIRenegade#459 I believe that was my gamer tag when I first joined
    Age: 36
    Gender: Male
    What are the Top 3 Games that you play? 
    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
    Red Dead Redemption 2
    Star Wars Jedi Survivor
    How many hours during the week are you playing games?
    Please list your Discord Username: 
    Please List ANY and ALL Social Media Handles: (Ex. Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, etc..)  
    IG: renegadejacks
     Tik Tok: @renegadejacks
    In a few short sentences, please explain why you are looking to rejoin KSI:
    I've always enjoyed the community and comradery among the members whether new members or long time members. There was always new games to play for game nights and the ability to just hang out and chat and enjoy time as a group. 
    What Division and Squad are you interested in rejoining, and why?
    Wrath CS, it was my original squad and division and I got along with the members quite well. 
    Background Information:
    When did you originally join KSI? If you've joined multiple times please include each time. 
    What Squads and Divisions have you been apart of in the past?
    Wrath CS
    When did you leave KSI and why? If it you've left more than once please include each time and reasoning. 
    12/28/22, I left originally because of my work schedule I was working and sleeping and I wasn't gaming as much or able to join game nights, my work schedule is more relaxed and I'm able to be online more often now. 
    Have you ever been denied re-entry into KSI?
    If so, please specify the date, reason, and provide a link to the application if possible.:
    Please list ANY and ALL clans/communities you have previously been a part of:
    DoG (Disciples of Gaming) back in the Black Ops 2 days. 
    Please List the Time Frame of when you were Involved AND Left Each clan/Community: 
    I'm not exactly sure when I left the DoG.
    Why did you leave those Clans/Communities? I was kicked from the clan/community because I changed my clan tag to avoid being bullied and they found out about it. 
    Are you still a member of any of the clans or communities that you have listed above?:
    Have you ever been Blacklisted/DNH’d or Banned from KSI or any other community?
    Not that I'm aware of. 
    If so - when, and what was the reason?:
    Have you ever been kicked or removed from a division or squad within KSI, or any other community?
    From DoG, but I can't remember the division or squad. 
    If so - when, and what was the reason?:
    I'm not sure when, but I had changed my clan tag when playing with friends to avoid being bullied and a member found out about it and reported me
    Do you believe that you have left KSI or any other community that you have listed above on bad terms or Good terms? 
    I believe I was on good terms with KSI and KSI Stack said if I ever wanted to I'd be able to join again. 
    Can you accept the fact that KSI is a structured organization, and requires the ability to work with over 100+ team-mates?
    Yes, I agree. 
    Are you able to respect the leaders who have been put in place, while recognizing that those leaders come from all walks of life and may hold opposing beliefs and/or life choices, and stay level headed regarding such?
    Yes, I'm always respectful with others, as long as the respect is reciprocated. 
    Would you be interested in taking advantage of any of the KSI learning programs?
    Maybe in the future. 
    (Graphics - Leadership Development - Web Administration, ect..):
    Have you read and do you fully understand and agree to uphold the KSI Code of Conduct along with the XBOX Live Terms of Service?:
    Yes, I agree. 
    Do you understand that purposely excluding relevant information while filling out this application is grounds for the denial of your entrance into KSI?
    Yes, I understand. 
    Is there any other information that you feel should be included on your application?
  2. Upvote
    RenegadeJacks got a reaction from KSI Infid3l in CS Activity Log   
    Wrath Cold War Gamenight
    09/07/2021 9pm est
    Host: KSI Infid3l
    Co-host: KSI Renegade#659
    KSI CalmMars
    KSI Machra
    KSI SteelX
    KSI Pickles
    KSI KingdomX
    KSI Relikin
    KSI Sleepy#7274
    KSI BadGamer
  3. Upvote
    RenegadeJacks got a reaction from KSI Stack in Spirit Week 2021 Forums Challenge!!   
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