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About KSI_Al_Capone

  • Birthday 09/28/1995

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Buffalo, New York
  • Gamertag
    KSI Al Capone
  • Squad
    KSI Asylum Dark Legions.
  • Rank/Title

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KSI_Al_Capone's Achievements


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  1. Name: KSI Al Capone - Major - Asylum - Dark Legions Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5206-ksi-al-capone/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer/HeadHunter/Gamerscore Hoarder/KSI Mentor/Member Assitance Reason-/-Evidence: Trainer: I have trained 45 members in KSI total, and KSI WALLACE 7, or KSI Inferno 7 can witness to this. Gamerscore Hoarder: I have over 20,000 gamerscore, if you need witnesses I can provide you with some. HeadHunter: I am currently in the KSI Asylum DL HeadHunters team, 4th position in roster. If need any witnesses I can provide you with some. KSI Mentor: I have taught people "the ropes" of KSI and the responsibilites they need to complete to progress through the ranking structure in the futue. KSIbulletwounds, KSI VENUM, KSI Dreamweaver, KSI FiSH BiZZLE, KSI FREEBIRD, and much more can claim me as one of their mentors. Member Assistance: I helped out a lot of members with a lot of problems relating to KSI. Again KSIbulletwounds, KSI FiSH BiZZLE, KSI BEAST NY, and much more can witness this as well.
  2. KSI WALLACE 7 has helped me solve problems to my situations I had such as having to slow down on recruiting because it affected the squad ASYLUM tremendously, because sergeants really couldn't recruit with the people I was bringing in constantly, so once I stopped the problem was resolve thank to WALLACE. So ultimately, WALLCE did assist me in problems I had.
  3. KSI MoNoXiDe x A.K.A KSI WALLACE 7 has taught me "the ropes" on what it takes to be a good role model to others and a great leader such as him going over the ranking structure with me and also getting familiar with it(the ranks he taught me were basically everything up to General), having to know my SOP(he gave me the link to website to go on it and read my duties while at the same time he was telling me what to do right at my rank, which at the time I was a Lieutenant), and preparing me for my Captain's test(I can't stress out of all the information he told me to go over, it finally paid off when I passed the test. This my testimony for him claiming that he is my mentor.
  4. A lion can cheat on his wife, but a tiger wood...

  5. Roses are red. My name is not Dave. This poem makes no sense. Microwave.

  6. Roses are red. My name is not Dave. This poem makes no sense.

  7. Welcome to the forums KSI_Al_Capone :)

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