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KSI Infid3l

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KSI Infid3l last won the day on October 7 2021

KSI Infid3l had the most liked content!

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    KSI Infid3l
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    KSI Infid3l#2825

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  1. Had some steaks shot off some fireworks and took care of my baby lol
  2. I'm not much on words but what can't this man do Calamity acting gen the cofo all cofos should try and replicate in their actions. He's been there to help me every step of my KSI career along with countless others. He's rarely not up to speed with KSI business and when information needs to be found he finds it. I challenge you to find anyone more deserving of this award even if you could it would a short list and his name would be at the top.
  3. KSI Grogu 7 is always there with speedy answers for any questions or concerns I have about day to day Ops. Does it have to be KSI related for him to want to help no at all he will help guide you thru any troubles you may be going through. He ain't afraid stretch his neck out for individuals he believes in. It seems as tho anytime I need help or guidance he's there with a answer ready to go definitely deserving of this award. He has been there to mentor me every step of the way.




  5. KSI Walrus/ @KSI_Walrus Advanced Training Certified Evidence: I hosted workshop posted in Chaos Syndicate active log
  6. KSI Walrus/ @KSI_Walrus KSI TRU USMC/ @KSI TRU Beast Rank Structure Certified Evidence: I hosted workshop posted in Chaos Syndicate activity log
  7. Team captain: KSI Infid3l Division: CS Teammate: xxGlitchedxx Division: CS Teammate: KSI Crimson Division: CS Teammate: KSI Zombie75 Division: CS
  8. Uppish is definitely a outstanding leader. Playing with members, always looking how to better the division and community as a whole, and there to answer questions even if it's something small. One of the great leaders to look up to in my opinion.
  9. KSI Rayquaza/ @KSI Rayquaza Advanced Training certified 09/08/2021 9pm est Evidence in CS activity log workshop Host: KSI Infid3l
  10. KSI Machra/ @KSI Machra Award: Recruiting Certified Evidence: I hosted the workshop, Documented in CS activity log
  11. KSI Machra/ @KSI Machra Award: Basic Training Certified Evidence: I hosted the workshop, Documented in CS activity log
  12. T stack is always motivated to get things done and help out other members as much as he can. He has always been there to answer any questions I have if he don't have the answer right there he'll figure it out to be able to answer it. He is an exemplary officer that all of us should strive to be like work himself to the bone to make sure everything is done how it needs to be and when it needs to be.
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