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Everything posted by KaistauNZ

  1. Gamertag: KSI KaistauNZ Forums Profile: @KaistauNZ Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Attended New Member Workshop hosted by KSI Hatter 77 9/24/19
  2. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hatter 77 (Eternal Souls) Link to forums account - @Hatter 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Hatter treats the entire Division as her extended Family. She cares for all of us, and wears her heart on her sleeve (Unless you post too many thinking faces in the discord) She tries to spend time with as many of us as she can. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jynxie 7 (Eternal Souls) Link to forums account - @KSI Jynxie 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - She works her arse off to Keep my squad active (Since our Gen stepped down), and like Hatter, tries to spend time with as many of us as possible, while still doing as much as she can to keep the squad Active and interacting with each other SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nezu (SSGT - ES Banshee) Link to forums account - @KSI Nezu Reasoning why they deserve this - He goes above an Beyond the expectations of a SSGT, and never asks for anything in return. Always looking to help new members, and always getting as much training done with people as he can.
  3. Name: KaistauNZ Link to Forums Account: Click Here Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Master Reason-/-Evidence: I have 51,766GS Xbox Profile Here
  4. Name: KSI KaistauNZLink to Forums Account: Click HereAward-/-Achievement: Gamerscore HoarderReason-/-Evidence: 45,511GS Xbox Profile Link Here
  5. Making this for us to post our Chicken Dinners. Best way to do this to to take the screenshot at the end of your game, go to xboxdvr and download the screenshot, then you can upload the screenshot here. if you don't know about xboxdvr, go to http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/GAMERTAG/screenshots then you can just click on download (Replace GAMERTAG with your gamertag in the link.) I'll start things off.
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