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Soul Reapers
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    KSI MercX got a reaction from KSIxLEGIONx7 for a status update, Rest easy my brother, i found out much longer than I should have about your passing.   
    Rest easy my brother, i found out much longer than I should have about your passing. Thank you for the many nights we had about the constant laughter and jibberish nonsense. Till we meet again my friend, keep those sky’s clear and the oceans safe!
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    KSI MercX got a reaction from Loyalty Paradox for a status update, Rest easy my brother, i found out much longer than I should have about your passing.   
    Rest easy my brother, i found out much longer than I should have about your passing. Thank you for the many nights we had about the constant laughter and jibberish nonsense. Till we meet again my friend, keep those sky’s clear and the oceans safe!
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