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KSI Diablo...

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KSI Diablo... last won the day on May 1 2021

KSI Diablo... had the most liked content!

About KSI Diablo...

  • Birthday 01/14/2004

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Playing Destiny 2, Cold War, Modern Warfare, and Minecraft (I play a lot of other games too!)
  • Gamertag
    KSI Diablo
  • Date Recruited
    December 2, 2020
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Contact Methods

  • Discord
    KSI Diablo
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KSI Diablo...'s Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Name: KSI MercX Link to Forums Account: Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: Name: KSI MercX Link to Forums Account: @KSI MercX Award-/-Achievement: Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: He was kind enough to buy me a gift card to help me get the ColdWar game pass this season
  2. Shatner has proven to be a outstanding leader. He goes above and beyond to help members grow and be the best versions of them selves. He has helped me grow my understanding of the community and how to be a leader. Even through tough times in life he has given me advice and made the best of situations. He puts a lot of effort into growing the community and representing KSI.
  3. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad)-KSI Shatner Link to forums account- @KSI Shatner Reasoning why the deserve this - Shatner has been a wonderful general. He has guided me in my Journey to becoming a higher up. He has always made sure I was well looked after and made time to explain things thoroughly to me. He has been amazing influence and leader. He keeps parties in order but also knows how to let lose and have fun. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MercX Link to forums account - @KSI MercX Reasoning why they deserve this - Merc shows great promise. He is an amazing teacher. He has taught me how to recruit with comfort. He has put the time in to get to know all recruits and members in his squad and even outside of his squad. Merc is fun to be in a party with and always provides the best game nights. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSI T StackG Link to forums account Reasoning why they deserve this - Stack has been a great friend. He hosts amazing work shops and is always fun to be around. Although he stepped down from general and is currently working his way back up he has never said no to answering my dumb questions. He shows great leadership qualities and is over all a joy to be around!
  4. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Panda81 @KSI Panda81 Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Attended the New Members workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI MercX @KSI MercX
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