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KSI CaRnaGe 9055

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About KSI CaRnaGe 9055

  • Birthday 01/12/1992

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  • Gamertag
    KSI CaRnaGe9055
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
  • Division
    Demonic Mayhem
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Contact Methods

  • Discord
    KSI CaRnaGe
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KSI CaRnaGe 9055's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. To learn from your mistakes, you have to make mistakes.

    To be leader, you have to listen. Those who don't listen will fail to lead.

    You can be a leader with a tone but not a leader with a bad character.

    Your friends are your enthusiasm in life, don't shallow your enthusiasm or you will lose many.

    The learning curve is just a curve, your just learning around it.

    Start doing what is necessary, them do what is possible, then suddenly you are doing the impossible.





  2. Name: KSI CaRnaGe Link to Forums: @KSI CaRnaGe 9055 Award-/-Achievement: Jack Of All Trades Reason-/-Evidence: Met requirements for this award/achievement.
  3. Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI CaRnaGe 9055 Award Basic Training Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Profile Link if possible (awarded to) @KSI ACE @KSI Yoshi @KSI KILL5698 @KSI Goddesse @KSI MercX @KSI Dan Dan @KSI Raven25 @KSIxRoyal @KSIDeMoNk1NG @KSI rttlr @KSIxSTEAKx01 @KSIMukaTable @KSI Cuppy Cake @KSI DC 7is my witness
  4. General Gamertag KSI DntAsk 7 (GEN - DM/VENOM) Link to forums account - @KSI DntAsk 7 Reasoning why the deserve this - from the time I was recruited into DM VENOM there were some structure change. KSI DntAsk 7 became our current GEN and since then I have never seen someone so driven to make sure everyone is ok, answers a majority of questions (even if she doesn't have the answer she will find it and get back with you) and and great teacher. When I became an officer she was there a majority of the way giving me pointers, suggestions and showing me how to do things properly with out being in mass confusion. I can guarantee if there was a mass issue with in the squad hands down she will be there to get it straightened out at any time when she can! She is the go to person if something comes up and she understands every aspect. Never seen her break her composure so in my book she is well respected and a good mentor! SSGT Gamertag KSI Royal (SSGT - DM/Venom) Link to forums account - @KSIxRoyal Reasoning why they deserve this - he has been in KSI longer than I have. We both got promoted roughly around the same time. And let me tell you he was soaring through this like nothing. If there was an issue he would communicate with other officers and the situation gets handled. There have been countless times I have seen him go over and beyond on member retention! If some one needs help he was there, if something was going down he was there if you just need someone to talk to he was there! Royal is an excellent officer and contributor to KSI! SGT Gamertag KSI Prophet (SGT- DM/Venom) Link to forums account - @KSI Prophet Reasoning why they deserve this - Prophet has been there for everyone. Countless times I have seen him in other party chats helping on what they need help with or just to chill around. Prophet is the most outgoing and most supportive I have seen by far. He stands behind officers and CoC when he is with others, issues come up he lets an officer know, very informative on discord and not only that but he is a friend to almost everyone. He is a gentleman in many ways. Not alot of people recognize it at times but I want to nominate KSI Prophet for what he has contributed to KSI and fellow members. He does not know when to quite and absorbs things like a sponge. In the future I would highly recommend him a seat with the officers just for what does.
  5. @KSI CaRnaGe 9055 New Member Certified Workshop hosted by @KSI DC 7 Witnessed by @KSI Joe 7 & @KSI DntAsk 7
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