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KSI Anatomy

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About KSI Anatomy

  • Birthday 05/17/1999

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Stockton, Missouri
  • Interests
    just a few things now a days, love my job and love playing video games with friends when i do get the time.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Anatomy
  • Date Recruited
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  • Discord

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  1. feel like sharing my spotify playlist for anyone who decides to click on my profile.

    here ya go: 


  2. bought a new whip


  3. Well im gonna become an official forums junkie considering my dad smashed my xbox today


  4. Recruiter: Would you be interested in joining KSI?
    Player: What's KSI?
    Recruiter: KSI stands for Knowledge Strength and Integrity. It's a gaming community (or clan) that offers a lot of different things, even beyond the Xbox.

    Player: Like what? 
    Recruiter: We have a website that does graphics and has a News Team. We have a Productions group that does machinima and live streaming. On the Xbox side, we have game nights and tournaments and a ranking structure where you could learn leadership or just meet new friends. 
    Player: Sounds cool. How do I join? 
    Recruiter: Do you mind changing your motto and clan tag? 
    Player: No
    Recruiter: Ok, so put this in your motto ((send them a text message with KSI (squad name) (division abbreviation) (RCT) - ex. KSI IGNITE FI RCT)). Then change your clan tag to IRCT. ((If you want them to change their bio to recruited by and when, have them add that in too)). 
    Player: Is that all? 
    Recruiter: Not quite. Add (insert squad tag - ex. KSI Ignite FI). This is the squad tag. That's where we keep track of all the other members within the squad. So if you want some extra people to play with, check the friendslist to see who is on the same game and go ahead and invite them to play. We have meetings on (insert day/time) and game nights on (insert days/times). Messages will usually go out to remind everyone though. 
    Player: Cool. 
    Recruiter: The website is ksiforums.org if you want to go on there to talk to other KSI players and get involved in the web aspects. The rank structure and code of conduct are on there too. Mainly just includes things like no modding, cheating, or hacking; be respectful of everyone; and have a good time. Any questions? 
    Player: Makes sense to me. 
    Recruiter: Cool, let's go play some more games then. 

  5. hi

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KSI Anatomy

      KSI Anatomy

      Haha its fine, im not even mad about anymore, tbh im more active on the forums then i was xbox


    3. KSI xTheQueen

      KSI xTheQueen

      I'm glad you can see it that way. I'd be pissed lol

    4. KSI Anatomy

      KSI Anatomy

      Lol do you have kik? It would be easier to carry conversation on there lol


  6. Hey Mate! hows it going!

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