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KSI DarkWolf281

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Everything posted by KSI DarkWolf281

  1. Well I do play both guitar and bass. Even though most of the music I play calls for an electric guitar, I love playing acoustic too. I would really want to learn how to play the violin though.
  2. Gamertag/Forums name: @KSI DarkWolf281 Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Completed Individual Training for New Member workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: @KSI Mamatank
  3. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Meeza 7 General Banshee ES Link to forums account - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/21518-squeek-7/ @Squeek 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - I joined KSI in Autumn last year and was originally recruited into Athena squad. Come the end of December 2020 - start of January 2021, I started to feel generally unwelcome in the division as a whole. I originally requested a division transfer, but after a conversation with Meeza, I decided to change my request to a squad transfer, choosing to transfer to Banshee squad. She was the only person who stepped up and at least tried to convince me to stay in ES. Originally, me and her didn't get along. But after that conversation, we began to understand each other a little bit. We still bump heads sometimes, hell we're bumping heads a little as I'm typing all of this, but she earned my respect when she went and did that when no one else did.
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