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KSI ATH3NA 7 last won the day on April 17 2022

KSI ATH3NA 7 had the most liked content!

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    KSI ATH3NA 7
  • Date Recruited
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  • Rank/Title
    Chief Strategic Officer/Cali’s

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    KSI ATH3NA 7 #0417
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KSI ATH3NA 7's Achievements


Member (2/4)



  1. KSI Pathfndr @KSI Pathfinder Recruiting certified I hosted workshop
  2. DirectorGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Slick 7 (Director)Link to forums account - @KSI Slick 7Reasoning why they deserve this - Slick is one of the busiest guys I know (IRL) and yet this man still makes time to do all he does for the community. Has a million meetings yet still finds time to pop in on gamenights and game with members, always bringing up the vibes and creating laughs. He’s always motivating people to do they’re best and at the same time is still a “no bs” kinda guy. Very grateful to have him as an advisor. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Eslin024 (GEN - WD/Carnage) Link to forums account - @KSI Eslin024 Reasoning why the deserve this - Eslin made Gen this month and since then has really taken charge of her new role. She’s doing amazing with handling the day to day affairs of the squad and keeping everything well organized on top of handling transfers that are still coming in from SL. She’s extremely knowledgeable, so much so that when it was time for her gens training she didn’t need much. Excited to see where she takes her new squad. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Harmony (CPT - WD/Samurai) Link to forums account - @KSI Harmony Reasoning why they deserve this - Harmony has been on top of everything in the squad. From making sure promo lists and schedules are posted to training up officers and keeping track of the potential officers, she’s showing her CPT promo was well deserved by being an great officer and setting a great example for the others in her corps. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI NoBe (LT - WD/Vanquish) Link to forums account - @KSI NoBe Reasoning why they deserve this - NoBe has been a beast since he stepped back up into the officer corps. From recruiting to training and doing anything he can to help the squad out as a whole. He makes himself available as much as he can to everyone, whether it’s just members wanting to game, potential officers wanting to be trained up, or other officers who need help. His dedication is truly admirable and he sets an almost perfect example of what an officer should be. SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI StarFire (SSGT - WD/Vanquish) Link to forums account - @KSI StarFire Reasoning why they deserve this - StarFire has been a member for a while and was not very involved but the moment she decided to be this month she hit the ground running. Her name change from KSI ShadwChasr to KSI StarFire was perfect as she came out of the shadows and has been on fire since then. From getting to know members and soaking up any and all information she can get her hands on. She’s retained information well and showed by applying it. Looking forward to seeing more from her. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS)Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bane 7 (discord mod) Link to forums account - @Laquarium Reasoning why they deserve this - Bane has been on top of handling everything related to discord. He handles all requests immediately and if he can’t he communicates that it will be done asap. Not only is he on top of any changes that need to be made but he’s constantly promoting activity and is very generous with giving out nitro which has made members very happy. He’s more than deserving of mod otm.
  3. What to say about KSI NoBe. Well first and foremost he is the sweatiest of the sweats. Lol but really, he’s beast in everything he does. From recruiting to training to making sure everything get done that needs to be done. He’s always the squad’s head recruiter, he can knock out the weekly squad goals by himself alone all while helping others learn to recruit. Members look up to not only his leadership skills but his gaming skills, always wanting to learn more and do more with his guidance. He makes himself available to anyone who wants to learn whenever he has the time. He executes his workshops flawlessly, always with a great personal touch, and game nights have been a great time for all involved. He’s constantly active on discord and encouraging members to do the same and be active within the community. His commitment and drive will push him farther and faster than most. He sets an exemplary example of what a true leader is to all around him. He’s more than deserving of this award for his service.
  4. KSI NoBe @KSI NoBe Recruiting Certified Evidence: I hosted workshop multiple times with him in attendance and he’s a recruiting beast. But really just posting as the first person who did his workshop never posted in here so he never got the award.
  5. KSI Horizon#9426 @KSI Horizon Recruiting Certified I hosted workshop
  6. KSI Lucy S7 @Sanngrior KSIxGO4DOMEZ @KSIxGO4DOMEZ Award: Recruiting Certified I hosted workshop KSI Lucy S7 @Sanngrior Award: Basic Training Certified I hosted workshop
  7. Sasuke was also my first mentor. I still have all my notes from being trained by him and let me just say I appreciate his patience as I have 3 pages of hand written notes on just the recruiting process.
  8. Sasuke has helped so many members and I’m witnessing as he has helped me a ton as well. From being my recruiter, to training me on how to recruit, to stepping down to make room in the officer corps for me, to offering assistance constantly when he’s available, to giving his hard earned money for tournaments/competitions for our division, to lending an ear and always being there shows he’s more than deserving of this award.
  9. KSI Lucifer#7350 Teletonical @KSI VELOCITY Award: Advanced Training certified Evidence: I hosted workshop
  10. KSI SAVAGE3#3545 @KSI SAVAG3 KSISparkyFly @KSISparky Fly (repeat) KSI Turtlles @KSI Turtlles Award: Recruiting certified KSI Hero 7#5765 @KSI Hero 7 KSISparkyFly @KSISparky Fly Award: Advanced Training certified Evidence for both awards: I hosted workshops
  11. KSI PaKkun @Ez ur water KSIWronco @KSIWronco Award: Recruiting Certified Evidence: I hosted workshop.
  12. KSI Eslin024 @KSI Eslin024 CAPS certified Evidence: Hosted by myself on 09/26/21 9/11/21 Weekend Warfare Winners KSI ATH3NA 7 @KSI ATH3NA 7 KSI Kakashii 77 @Kakashii 77 KSI Food 7 @Breakfast
  13. Team Captain: KSI ATH3NA 7 Division: SL Teammate: KSI Kakashii 77 Division: N/A Teammate: Cali TSB Division: N/A Backup: Teammate: KSIxMitsuki Division: SL
  14. KSI Revan @FastAcolyte KSInapster68 @KSInapster68 KSI Hero 7 @KSI Hero 7 Recruiting Certified I hosted the workshop
  15. KSI Gh0st66 @KSI Gh0st66 Recruiting Certified I hosted workshop.
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