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KSI Twistex

The Shadow Realm
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About KSI Twistex

  • Birthday 08/16/1997

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  • Interests
    Halo, Elder Scrolls, Bioware RPGs (Pre-Andromeda), Fallout, Fable, Battlefield, Doom, Star Wars, Saints Row, Grand Theft Auto, JoJos Bizzare Adventure (Golden Wind/Steel Ball Run best parts), Anime, Manga, Heavy Metal
  • Gamertag
    KSI Twistex
  • Date Recruited
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  1. I can confirm as a witness that she has gotten me Uno, Oh Sir!, Don't Starve Together, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, and Gold with Your Friends.
  2. Div Leader KSI Shadow007 Div Leader ES @KSI Shadow007 Reason- He's always there for anyone who's in need no matter who they are. He's always a good ear to listen and if there's an issue he wants it resolved as quickly as possible with the most care. Co-Founder KSI Death 77 Co-Fo ES @KSI DEATH 77 Reason- He is extremely busy but will make time for everyone he can when he can whenever something happens. He's extremely understanding and easy to talk to and very respectful. He's helped me several times and puts the needs of his squads first. CPT KSI Squeek 7 CPT Banshee ES @Squeek 7 Reason- She has the best interests of the squad in mind. She is determined to move the squad and the division in a positive direction and promotes growth and unity within all squads.
  3. Award: KSI Forums Certified 10/21/2020 Host: KSI Twistex Attendance: KSI Majima @KSI Majima
  4. KSI Forums Certified Award 10/13/2020 Host: KSI Twistex Attendance: StrokeMyCactus7 @StrokeMyCactus7 evidence: I hosted the training
  5. Forums Certified Award 10/13/2020 Host: KSI Twistex Attendance Raptor108#2594 @Raptor108 Evidence: I taught him
  6. KSI WhyNatsu @Natsu Drago2 Kyle KT @Kyle KT KSI WaviestSnow @KSI WaviestSnow KSI Marcotics @Marcotics117 KSI Forums Certified Attended Meeting @6pm 10/05/2020 Hosted By KSI Twistex
  7. We seriously need to come back to our roots and bring Halo into TnE. The MCCs matchmaking is better than ever and the hit registration in Halo 3 is finally good. I say we do Halo 3 for a weekend warfare, a bunch of people in ES play it and it's making a comeback.
  8. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Twistex @KSI Twistex Award: New Member Certifie Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Squeek 7
  9. ES COFO Gamertag - KSI DEATH 77 Link to forums account - @KSI DEATH 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - He is an exemplary leader as he is assertive and is very direct. He promotes promptness and for officers to take initiative in their tasks. He's not afraid to do what's tor the better interest of the squad even with his real life being so busy. He is patient yet firm and does things for the betterment of all involved. SSGT BANSHEE ES KSI Squeek 7 @Squeek 7 Reason - Squeek had been basically my best friend in the squad even though we've only known each other less than a month. She's super easygoing and is not afraid to take the initiative required of her position. She has helped me learn and grow and taught me valuable lessons. Without her help and the drive to play Halo 3 when know one else would and has shown me by example what it means to be a leader within KSI. She is a testament to perseverance and what it means to keep moving even when the chips are down. SGT BANSHEE ES KSIDemonWolf @KSIDemonWolf Reason- He is one of the most active members of our squad and has taken the steps to show that he has the potential for greatness. Always quick to offer a helping hand and always down for a quick game even though he lives across the pond. His diligence in recruitment and pushing the squad forward in a positive manner is the picture of a SGT to be desired in your squad. Angles ES Member KSId3m0nK1ng @Xmgd3m0nk1ng Reason- This man is possibly the most generous man I've met and kinda makes me happy that someone like him exists. He's the first to want to help a struggling member and has on several occasions helped unify the community by gifting games to others just to play with them and be able to hang out. As he recently helped me get Modern Warfare so I could play with the rest of the divison. He's got the interest of everyone in mind and is a very individual. He's great for conversation and is just very pleasant to be around.
  10. Team Captain: KSI Twistex Division: Eternal Souls Teammate: KSI 1ScaryS0B Division: Eternal Souls
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