General: @KSI Huntartt
Reason: I’ve been in KSI for around 5 months now and met a lot of KSI members and one of the many amazing people that stood out to me was huntartt, she’s one of the nicest and most kindhearted person I’ve ever met. She is always checking up on people and making sure there doing okay, always lending out a helping hand to anyone in need as well. she is an awesome person to game with or even just sit in party chat with, always a fun time. But apart of all that she’s also willing to take charge where its needed, one of the things that stands out to me most is that she’s not just a leader she’s a good role model too, instead of telling people to go do stuff shell go out with them and help them do it too.
Reason: Ever since Athena joined our squad she’s been working her butt off and helping things get changed for the better, since her arrival our squad grew massively in members. Her game nights are always consistent with being fun and having a crowd. She’s always an outgoing person as well doing things that need to be done rather waiting around for someone else to do it, she’s also another person who’s always asking everyone how they are and making sure there good, making KSI feel more like a family then it is a gaming community, a few examples of this are when she’s not playing the same games as you shell hop into the party’s just to say hi and how you’re doing, she’s always the first person to introduce herself to anyone new or even if they’ve just never met before, she's climbing the ranks working her way up super fast and I believe she will continue to get higher as time goes on.