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KSI P0W3R 77

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KSI P0W3R 77 last won the day on December 5 2014

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About KSI P0W3R 77

  • Birthday 11/04/1994

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    Soccer (Liverpool FC), Football ( Saints) , Baseball ( Chicago Cubs), and Reading
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    KSI P0W3R 77
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  2. I was the General over the squad Chicken was in when he first changed his name, CHICK3NWING PIMP sure was a good one lol. He changed his name the very next day but yes he definitely deserves it for the outstanding work he has done for this community.
  3. I will witness for OS 1: Conrado is without a doubt a blessing in my division. He was gone for a while but when he came back that guy worked hard then any other person that I have ever seen come to KSI, leave, and then come back. He has taken a squad that was at one point at its knees and near closure to a shining example of what you want every KSI squad to be, he choose not to take a General spot for very long and instead continue to improve as a member until he understood KSI like the back of his hand. I just recently promoted him to Co-Founder because of his amazing dedication to his squad, division, and the community.
  4. Ghost is everything that we need in a leader whether it be on the forums or on the Clan Ops side of things. If a member needs help with recruiting or even if another squad comes to him about training, he will drop everything and go help that person out! In the future, I hope to see him grow to be a Great Leader here in IO with the way he leads his members and is a role model to everyone he speaks with.
  5. Director Gamertag: KSI HUCKLBERRY Link to Forums Account-"http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5569-ksi-hucklberry-7/ Reasoning: Huck without a doubt is the sole reason why I continue to be a part of this community time and time again. He always has his Leaders backs no matter what and he stays on top of every little thing so that we as Leaders only have to worry about the Basics in our Division. He is a shining example of what every KSI officer should aspire to be, without Huck I don't think we would be as strong of a community as we are in my opinion and if he were to leave or step down it would leave a major hole in the members and leaders he has helped and mentored along the way. Division Leader Gamertag: KSI DoCNeSs 7 (FI) Link to forums account -"http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2253-ksidocness7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - There is so much I can say about Docness that it could possibly go on for days at a time but I think its pretty simple how important Docness is to this community and to his members. The guy radiates confidence and pride in not only himself but in his division. I know he will go far in KSI and may be one day a Senior Director in charge of all of us. Docness this year though has brought everyone in his division together and made FI stronger then ever and they are the perfect example of what we want a division to look like! Founder Gamertag: KSI Doctor 7(SH) Link to Forums Account:"http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-dark-samus/ Reasoning: Me and Doctor have our issues from time to time. He can be a butt or I can but I honestly respect this guy a lot. He has certainly pushed and tried to pull one of the oldest divisions in KSI together so that it continues to live on. He does so much for this site and his Division as well as us Leaders. Whenever we have an issue or question about the Forums, he is right there to either fix it or direct us toward the solution. On the Clan Ops side though he is just as willing to help by giving us advice where its needed and tips as well. Doctor has definitely proven in my eyes that he is a much better Leader and Founder then I am and he truly deserves this award. Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI The Light 7 (EO) Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14042-lightinshadows/ Reasoning: There are quite a few things I could say about Light and let me tell you they aren't the nicest things lol. Just kidding, honestly this man paved the way for EO literally because in the beginning I really didn't know who was in EO let alone ever played with someone from that division. Once I met Light, that all changed very quickly because of the way he ran the division as just a Co-Founder, he knew how to maintain multiple squads as well as get down to that member level to talk to them which in turn led them to become more interested in KSI. He may only be a Founder right now but Light as a Director may be as good as some of the Senior Directors when they were Directors. General Gamertag: KSI El Pollo 7 (IO) Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11836-el-pollo/ Reasoning: There is quite a bit I can say about Chicken especially with the ways he tries to frustrate me whether it be Graphics or just plain calling me bad and the list goes on lol... But he is a great guy and he knows how to run a squad to success with his recent split and him being promoted to Co-Founder just last week. He was with me from the very beginning of the split of HD into IO and he worked his tail off to get everyone including the members and officers to enjoy the Forums Side of KSI. He has really paved the way for what will become the Future of IO and he is following in the footsteps of some of KSIs Senior Leaders and doing everything he can to contribute to this community.&nbsp;Hats off to you Chicken. Captain Gamertag: KSI xGHO5Tx (Lonestar IO) Link to Forums Account: <a href="http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14166-ksixgho5tx/ Reasoning: This member sure has been getting nominated for quite a few awards recently but that's because we in IO know how great he is at what he does for IO and the community. Very outspoken but when it counts he is there to make sure that things are running smoothly, issues are handled, and promotions are taken care of. He has done a great job this year and I know that the whole 7s staff in IO is watching him closely. Lieutenant Gamertag; KSI SeCoNd2NoNe (Rawhide IO) Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16102-ksi-second2none/ Reasoning: As soon as he was promoted to Lieutenant, especially 1st you could see that he had the leadership potential to eventually run his own squad one day. I was more then right with that statement, between him and SweetTea they brought their squad together constantly playing with members, training, and recruiting all together which in turn caused their squad to split within a month or two. I am very proud of this member and what he has accomplished in such a short amount of time and I am hoping for a better future moving forward. Member Gamertag: KSI SweetTea (Rawhide IO) Link to Forums Account:"http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15204-pillow-tea/ Reasoning: I knew the minute I spoke to her for the first time that she was gonna be a leader in KSI one day and that it was gonna take just a name change to get this going and I was so very right! She has gone above and beyond the call which is exactly what you need in this age of KSI, people are driven to show that they care about not just themselves but KSI as a whole! I will continue to push her forward because I know one day she will be running more then just one squad in the future.
  6. I will witness to this award. This member has gone above and beyond in his squad and as an officer to make sure people are trained correctly and that they come out of it even more knowledgeable about KSI. This member will go far in KSI if he continues this streak.
  7. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating): KSI SweetTea (Rawhide/IO) Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15204-ksi-sweettea/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for): Outstanding Service Lvl 1 Reason-/-Evidence: When she was first brought in and I spoke with her, I knew that she could be a serious officer and maybe General in the future to come. As soon as her name was changed those predictions were absolutely correct, she has gone above and beyond in her squad in helping others with anything, making herself known throughout the community and its leaders, and still having time to sit down and play a game with her members in her squad and introduce them to members in other Divisions. No doubt in my mind, she deserves this award and has worked hard in the amount of time she has been here.
  8. I would like to witness for these awards. I met Chicken when he was just a SGT in my squad in HD and ever since then he has done nothing but take off and be very active on the forums with the different groups he is in and aspire to one day be a Forum Mod. The guy works his tail off and I believe as a Founder over my division that he will one day be a leader here in IO. He deserves this award for the amount of work he has put in.
  9. Name/Gamertag: KSI P0W3R 77 Rank (If applicable): Founder Time spent on the forums (Daily): Daily Experience in KSI: Year and a few months Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I like checking out who gets what awards and I also myself like obtaining awards whenever I can and giving out them out as well to people who deserve them. I love to witness to peoples awards and tell them the amazing job they are doing in KSI!
  10. I am going to Witness to OS1 and 2 because this guy simply is the definition of a leader in KSI. He is knowledgeable and very open to helping anyone regardless of their help and giving them guidance based on his previous experiences. Together me and UbeeDum have worked on some things that I was struggling with in my division. This guy is the greatest friend and leader that will someday pave the way for some of the best leaders KSI will ever have.
  11. Not sure if he is done with witnesses or not but regardless I still feel that me being the person who was trained Huck and Gwood, I think he deserves to have some recogntion! Outstanding Service 1,2,3: This member has done above and beyond what any other KSI Member has ever done in this community. He belongs up there along with the other great leaders we had and have today and if it came down to the Community as a whole they would vote for Huck to be in the New School KSI Hall of Fame! He has helped leaders across many divisions and turned them into not only better people but better leaders then they already were. Their is no reason why he does`nt deserve this award because it is simple. Without Huck there would be no fun and excitement on Thursdays, we would lose an outstanding Director, a great friend of all of us, and probably one of the best leaders we will ever have in KSI. Thank you so much Huck for everything you have done to make not only IO and me better but as well as other divisions!
  12. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ECHO 77 (ALL OF IO) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10085-ksi-echo-77/ Reasoning why the deserve this - He has been with me since Day 1, and although we have been at odds at times I know that this guy will get whatever job I throw at him done. He has an exceptional leader and although not many like his way of leadership, he does take charge and make sure that things are getting done and that squads and members are having a good time. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxARMORED (PARADOX IO) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12224-ksixarmored/ Reasoning why the deserve this - This member has gone above and beyond in KSI to try to become the best of the best and he is proving it throughout all of IO. He is going to be splitting his squad after only about a month and half with no fluff and a very active squad. Definitely deserves this award for truly making himself known not just in IO but in KSI as well. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI CH1CKENW1NG (PARADOX IO) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11836-ksi-ch1ckenw1ng/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Member has really done a lot to make sure that he is not only ready to be General but is also ready to make his squad one of the best in IO with his great attitude and spirit for gaming. Probably one of the nicest members I have met and is very good at his job of teaching officers how to train and recruit as well as teach them important leadership skills for the future.
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