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KSI Bongmilk

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Bongmilk
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    KSI Bongmilk
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  1. Div leader KSI Shadow007 - ES . Div leader of- Eternal souls Link to forms- @KSI Shadow007 Reasons why they deserve this- shadow has been a positive influence since it joined KSI. When I first joined he was among the first people who was Completely open to my views add to that he has had a open mind to my hopes and ideas for angels And has Encouraged me to keep doing my best. Most of all he is my shadoo... lol
  2. Captain gamertag( KSI VIP3R. ES. Angels) Link to account- @KSI VIP3R [CPT] reason why he deserve this- KSI VIP3R has been nothing but straightforward and polite with me since I joined KSI..He is always reminding us of how strong of a division we are and pushing us to do better without being overbearing. And the biggest reason of all is that he took a chance on me and are other officer Floopy and like he knew and Foreseen we are doing good things hear in angels and are moving forward..... Thank you KSI VIP3R
  3. Gamertag: KSI bongmilk Forums name: KSI bongmilk Award:New member certified Evidence: KSI VIP3Rhosted and ran the new member certification workshop. person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI VIP3R
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