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KSI xSmitty

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Everything posted by KSI xSmitty

  1. Gamertag / Name: KSI xSmitty Link to Forums Account: @KSI xSmitty Awards: Fresh-Meat, Rising Star, Getting Popular, Legen- Reason / Evidence: I have 1424 views on my forums profile and have had my forums account since 05/04/21 Supplemental Meta Award Requested: Rocket League
  2. KSI xSmitty Link to Forums Account: @KSI xSmitty Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Rookie, Gamerscore Horder Reason-/-Evidence: Sent evidence to AAP Staff Memeber
  3. Train the Trainer workshop: Hosted by KSI xSmitty @KSI xSmitty Evidence: I hosted it Witness: KSI Blitz11 sat in @KSI Blitz11 Attendance: KSI Pianist @KSI Pianist KSI xBear @KSI xBear
  4. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xTiger 77 Div Leader - Wicked Destruction Link to forums account - @KSI Tiger 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Since the moment I joined KSI, I have witnessed tiger do some amazing things for this division. She not only takes it upon herself as well as the officer staffs inside each squad to make sure her members are happy. Tiger also never lets any challenge of any size stop her from making WD happy and healthy. I couldn’t think of anyone more fitting for this award as no matter the time or day, if you ask tiger for help she’s there.
  5. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKami 77 Co-Founder WD Link to forums account - @KSI xKami 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - The reason that I feel Kami Deserves this award is because no matter the situation, or the struggle to find the solution he finds a way to make something work. I have spent countless hours in parties with Kami over the past few months I’ve been in Napalm, he has helped me conquer so much in my short time climbing the ranks. Long story short, I feel as if I wouldn’t be able to be the leader I am today if I wouldn’t have someone as awesome as Kami backing me up and helping me find my WHY in KSI, helping me choose the path to success and being an amazing friend along the way. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xFondu Gen Napalm / Wicked Destruction Link to forums account - @KSI xFondu Reasoning why the deserve this - The reason I choose fondu is I’ve had the opportunity to follow in his footsteps and see how a real leader performs. From day one fondu was willing to teach me as much as i was willing to learn, and to this day it’s not about him it’s about his members. I personally feel as if he is one of the hardest working gens in the division, whether he is on the Xbox or at work he’s still putting KSI first. I can’t wait to see what adventures you have to come in the future, keep up the great work man and the sky’s the limit for your future as a leader! Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xLittio CPT Malice / Wicked Destruction Link to forums account - @KSI xLittio Reasoning why they deserve this - The reason I choose Littio is no matter what the situation is he comes in with Positivity, Littio since the day I met him has never once had a negative response. I feel as if this is someone any future leader could look up to and take a few notes from, he goes out of his way to learn and find new tricks and tips to help not only himself but his members.
  6. A quote from the Great Kami himself 


  7. Gamertag: KSI xSmitty Division: Wicked Destruction Movie: Space Jam
  8. Squad Leadership Workshop Hosted By: KSI xSmitty Evidence: KSI DaKeech sat in and attended Attended by: KSI xBear / @bearclawthekill KSI IrishEmu / @IrishEmu KSIxKngTut21 / @KSIxKngtut21
  9. My Shout-out goes to @KSIxKngtut21 who is willing to put the hard work in day or night to learn and better his knowledge of KSI! King is one of the most willing people to learn I’ve met and for that I believe you’ll make a great leader one day, keep up the great work buddy!
  10. Train The Trainer Workshop Hosted by: KSI xSmitty Attended by: KSI Khaoss @NotKingKhaoss KSIxKngTut21 @KSIxKngtut21 KSI DEKU @SuperSJ4Goku Evidence: Sat in by KSI xHawkx7
  11. Forums Workshop Hosted By: KSI xSmitty Attended by: KSI Birdman @KSI Birdman KSI Khaoss @NotKingKhaoss KSIxKngTut21 @KSIxKngtut21 Evidence : KSI Country sat in on workshop
  12. Gamertag: KSI Thunder9 @KSI thunder9 KSI Khaoss @NotKingKhaoss Workshop given: Basic Training Workshop Evidence: Workshop was given by @KSI xSmitty
  13. KSI Bill#4381 / @Bill Adler KSI Yoink / @BigKing_Yoink DP iYVersal @Dp Iyversal Train The Trainer Workshop Given by KSI xSmitty Witnessed by KSI Country#7521
  14. Gamertag : KSI Break @KSI Break KSIxD3AD @KSI_D3AD Award : Basic Training Workshop Evidence: KSI xSmitty did workshop & KSI Country#7521 sat in.
  15. KSI xSmitty @KSI xSmitty Award new member certified evidence: KSI LynchSux
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