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KSI Draconic

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    KSI Draconic
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    KSI Draconic#1503

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  1. Gamertag/Forums Name: - KSI OB3Y - KSI SPOOKY16 - KSI Anxiety0 Award: Forums Certified Evidence: I hosted the workshop, look in CS Activity Log for further proof
  2. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Draconic Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Participated in workshop. KSI Uppish 7 and KSI JAK KNIFE 7 can vouch Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Uppish 7
  3. General Gamertag: KSI Uppish 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Uppish 7 Reasoning Why They Deserve This: Uppish is by far one of the most wackiest yet helpful people I know. Ive only been in this wonderful community for about 4 months now and Uppish has always been there for me whenever I needed assistance. He has been such a great mentor for both me and many others in the division. He has actively pulled both me and others aside and helped correct us on the right path. He has been such a great friend as well to everyone that he meets. He absolutely loves being around those he raised up in his squad and division and creates many fun and exciting memories for them as well. But most importantly, he has been such a great leader. He valiantly stands up for his subordinates and leads them to be shining stars for the community. Uppish has been ultimate beacon of fun, quirkiness, and mentorship that consistently casts his friendly light over everyone that he meets. Captain Gamertag: KSI JAK KNIFE 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI JAK KNIFE 7 Reason For Why They Deserve This: Jak has always been a sort of father figure for me and many others that look up to him. He actively asks his squad and division members if they need someone to vent to if he knows something is wrong or happening to them. He reaches out to those in the dark and in need of help. He reaches out to those that need assistance with their problems. In the moments where he involves himself with his underlings, he gives sound and reasonable advice. When around them, Jak is an extremely fun person to interact with. He loves his members and thoroughly enjoys being there with them. Jak is one of the most fun and enjoyable people that I have ever met during my time in this community.
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