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Everything posted by Kilamanjaro

  1. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Doctor 7(Co-Founder - Shadow Haven) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-ksi-doctor-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Our Co-Founder has been doing multiple workshops daily training many members throughout our entire division. He has been working hard to ensure everyone is trained and well knowledgeable of KSI. Being the only 7 in our division at this past month he has been running the show. On top of all of this he still has time for his personal life and all of his work on this website. He has also helped setup the divisional milestone program. He has done an outstanding job over this past month and we all cannot wait to see what comes next.
  2. Name: KSI BigTymeR/Phoenix/Shadow Haven Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12023-ksi-nobodyepic9/ Award-/-Achievement: Member assistant Reason-/-Evidence: Since I have been in Phoenix, I have seen this member help a whole lot of new members out with any questions they have about KSI. If he is unsure of the answer he searches for the next rank up or forums to get the answers. He is doing a great job as a Phoenix Lt. and I can't wait to see how far he can go. he recently changed his gamertag but has yet to edit his profile.
  3. Ok so I made the thread for his award same time I made the thread for the truth 7's award, truth was denied and frozen got the award. It was the Mentor award. Here is where things get confusing, There is not a single thread for Frozens mentor award so I guess it has been deleted or misplaced. Here is the link to his account where you can see he has the award. http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2943-scooby-doo/
  4. Name: KSI Kilamnjaro7/Phoenix/Shadow Haven Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4996-killamanjaro-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Icebreaker Reason-/-Evidence: http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/17152-ksi-herbert-award-nomination-awarded/#entry268781 http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/17151-ksi-katana-award-nomination-awarded/ http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/17153-ksi-doctor-7-outstanding-service-lv-2-nomination-awarded/ http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/7217-ksi-kilamanjaros-award-app-awarded/ I'm having trouble finding the thread. KSI Frozen trainer and member assistant awards.
  5. Name: KSI Doctor 7/Co-Founder/Shadow Haven Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-ksi-doctor-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Silver Outstanding Service Reason-/-Evidence: He hosts multiple workshops everyday of the week and on weekends. He has been very close with all the squads in our division getting to know everyone and train everyone. He has been ensuring that everyone in Shadow Haven is properly trained both in clan ops and on forums. He has helped a countless amount of people both in clan and web ops. He is always there when anyone needs him. He has solved many issues in SH and on forums. He is full of knowledge of KSI. He puts his absolute best into us and his heart is in it as well. Doc makes members want to stay and play/learn. The time and effort he puts in and the amount of growth he has caused is incredible. He has also brought a squad from FN that was on the brink of death, back to a fully functional squad. He is an active co-head of the AAP who helped with the creation of the divisional milestone program.
  6. Name: KSI HERBERT/Phoenix/Shadow Haven Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15606-ksi-herbert/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: He has trained a large number of members and is head of our welcoming committee. He ensures to go over everything and is great at keeping the members attention.
  7. Name: KSI Katana/Phoenix/Shadow Haven Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12474-katana/ Award-/-Achievement: Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: I have personally witnessed this member Train an enormous amount of members since my return. He goes in depth and makes sure not to miss anything and to hit absolutely everything.
  8. Life for you has been less than kind, so take a number stand in line, we've all been sorry we've all been hurt, but how we survive is what makes us who we are..

  9. Older Disturbed <3 Mindless Self Indulgence is good for when I am looking for something random OneRepublic P.O.D. Plain White T's Skillet I could go on for days with the bands I like lol
  10. listening to KSI HERBERT sing to me in the Herbert voice
  11. Linkin Park Avenged Sevenfold Rise Against Five Finger Death Punch All That Remains Breaking Benjamin
  12. I want to listen to the "we're Huckin KSI song"
  13. Saints Row: The Third had a good soundtrack to it IMO
  14. IDK the names of the songs, but KSI BaBy DaDDy is singing to me
  15. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Herbert (Captain - Shadow Haven/Phoenix) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15606-ksi-herbert/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Herbert is very fun to be around. He makes people want to come online to play. I have witnessed him train a lot of people and seen him help many members with any problems they have had. He is an Ideal example of what a Captain in KSI should be. Forum Staff Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI The Doctor (General - Shadow Haven/Phoenix) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-sephiroth/ Reasoning why the deserve this - He no-lives the forums unlike anyone I've seen. Pretty sure he doesn't know how to sleep. he tries as hard as he can to do his best for KSI. Both on Forums, and as general. He is always helping new and old members around forums and keeping the peace
  16. GamerTag: KSI Kilamnjaro7 Age: 21 Squad: Phoenix Division: Shadow Haven
  17. GamerTag: KSI Kilamnjaro7 Age: 21 Squad: Phoenix Division: Shadow Haven
  18. GamerTag: KSI Kilamnjaro7 Age: 21 Squad: Phoenix Division: Shadow Haven
  19. GamerTag: KSI Kilamnjaro7 Age: 21 Squad: Phoenix Division: Shadow Haven
  20. GamerTag: KSI Kilamnjaro7 Age: 21 Squad: Phoenix Division: Shadow Haven
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